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I slowly open my eyes. The world was blurred but slowly coming into focus. I could hear voices, but they sounded distant. I blinked a couple of time trying to get my bearings. Suddenly, all memory came rushing back. I felt my eyes begin to tear up as remember the dark angels and the battle and ... oh god... Pryce. I swallowed and forced the tears away. Slowly I remembered more and more. Staring back into my own soul-less eyes, smashing my mirror on the hard floor and standing on a road, completely lost and confused, looking into the gorgeous brown eyes of that boy. A switch flips in my head as finally begin to register the voices next to me. One of them belonged to the boy on the road. For about a minute keep my eyes firmly shut, too afraid to find myself back in the world of colour and madness.

" Well it sounds like you did a good job kid, but that doesn't explain why there is no camera footage from anywhere in that area. There were loads of shops so at least one of them must have had a working security system." I force my eyes open and sit up. The first thing I see are the three men who have been talking. One of them was clearly the boy from the road. Next to him was another man who was kinda short but still strong looking. The last, who was look right at me with his mouth hanging open, was massive. I figured he was some sort of warrior or something. I turn my gaze to the boy from the road as he turns to face me. His eyes meet mine for a second before he looks down at his feet.

The big guy walks over to me and, for some reason, bows. "M'lady it is an honour to be in your presence. I, Thor Odinson, would like you to meet Tony Stark and Peter Tonyson." Something he said made Tony crack up laughing and Peter look very embarrassed. " Thor I'm not his son" Peter stuttered. " my last names Parker " Oh" Thor replied, " I thought... Well, it isn't important. What is important is you, your highness." Your Highness? That was a first. " Um, hi?" You say nervously. They look at you expectantly. " uh, my name's Y/N". Thor begins to say something but Tony interrupts. " Ok, can someone please explain what is going on because Thor won't shut up about Angels and started calling you ' Your Highness' and I am very confused. Who exactly are you if you don't mind me asking?" You stare at him for a second before answering " Well my name is Y/N and I'm a light angel" "I knew it!" Yelled Thor loudly. " sorry, continue your highness" " Um, I come from the light kingdom, that has just been in a war with the dark kingdom. For all I know I'm the last one left. Well, me and my dark self. My trainer Pryce..." my voice broke a little as I said his name. " ... he... told me to smash my mirror and the portal would take me somewhere. It took me here. Where exactly am I? Oh, and you can just call me Y/N, not Your Highness".

Thor nodded, Tony looked confused and Peter looked a little awestruck. " thanks for saving me by the way" you tell him. "N...No problem" he smiled at me and I felt my heart melt. " Ok but I'm gonna need some more explaining," says Tony. Over the next hour, Thor and I explained everything about light and dark angels, not that I knew much about them, to Tony and Peter who listened tentatively. When we were done there was silence for a minute while we let it sink in. " Ok well I don't know about you but I'm really hungry, so I say we head back to the base," Tony says standing up. " Good idea Stark, I would like an Asgardian beer" Thor agreed. They stood up and opened the door. "You coming Y/N?" I stared at them blankly. "I...um...I'm not really used to seeing all the, well, colour outside. Last time it made me pass out so..." I reply.

"Oh, are you scared?" Tony asked. " what! No" I retorted. The truth was I was terrified, but they didn't need to know that. " Look," said Tony " I get that it must be weird for you, but you can't stay in here forever. Besides, If I don't eat something soon I will develop murderous tendencies." " ok, ok. I'll come" I made my way over to the door, and stood next to them. They stepped outside and I took a deep breath before following them. As I had expected, the first thing I noticed was the amount of colour. At home, I had only ever seen photos and drawing in colour, from long before the light had saturated everything and drained it of colour. I was surrounded by posters and wallpaper. My eyes blurred as the blues, yellows, greens and reds merged to become one big smudge of swirling rainbows.

I felt myself becoming dizzy. I grabbed onto Peters' arm for support. He looked at me and nodded. "It's alright, You'll get used to it " he reassured me. " That's a relief" I chuckled feebly. We checked out and, ignoring the stares of the onlookers who had apparently never seen someone with wings before, climbed into, what I assumed was, Tony's car. On the ride back I sat next to Peter and constantly found myself grabbing his arm and pointing out brightly coloured signs and buildings. He would laugh and reply with something like " I know Y/N, that's a McDonalds" or " wow you are REALLY excited about that stop sign." When we finally arrived at the Avengers base, Tony turns around in his seat. "Now before we go in, I should warn you, the people you are about to meet will take good care of you. They have quiet... Well... rough backgrounds, although that probably won't bother you" he said, eyeing my armour that was soaked with the blood of literal angels. " Friday will have updated them on the situation and yeah. So let's go". He got out of the car and Thor opened my door for me. " You do realise I have arms right," I tell him. Peter muffled a laugh behind me. " of course " said Thor bowing. Wow, it was going to be hard to get used to this. We left the car and walked towards the door of the massive concrete structure. At the last second, I grabbed Peters hand. He squeezed to reassure me. With that, Tony pushed the doors open.

In the light kingdom, a dark angel had been lied to. Now she knew the truth, and she was going to get her revenge.

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