part two for #Dessie

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  after sharing the kiss you both pull away and the lights come one you sigh with relief and destin says "see I told you it would be ok" you nod and say "yes you did my hero" you both start laughing and lay down he wraps his arms around you and you grab your phone you log onto twitter and see alot of hate. you groan and lock your phone then throw it down on the bed he looks at you and says "what happened" you curl up into his chest and say "im getting more hate" he rubs your back and says "there just jealous of the amazying girlfriend that I have and they dont" you blush and hide your face then he says "that looks amazingly cute when she blushes" you start to laugh and look up at him saying "awe arnt you just a keeper" he laughs and looks at his phone and says "its already 11:40 are you staying over orr. .?" you nod and say "well of course" he plugs his phone up and you do the same.You both go to jump on the bed and end up jumping on each other you let out a squeal when desting wraps his arms around your tiny body and pulls you to the floor with him you both hit the floor with a thud and burst out laughing. He looks you in the eyes and says "I love you jessie" you peck his lips and say "I love you to destin"

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