Chapter 4

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"HEEEE HEEEEE" I turn to see Reek on the floor rocking back and forth

"REEK MAN THE FUCK UP" Rylah yelled in his head

He jumped up and ran up them fragile ass stairs with his big ass .

"OPEN UP YOU - YOU - YOU RAGGEDY MUTHAFUCKA" He yelled banging on the door and shaking the handle

Next think you know something bangs back making him jump hard

"AHHHH AHHH AHHH, FUCK NO" He ran back down and jumped on my back making us collapse

"I should really beat your ass" I said through gritted teeth standing up and kicking him in the ribs

"I'm sorry , I'm just - just .... frightened" He started shaking making me roll my eyes

I went up the stairs and started shaking the handle

"Wait , where's Ty ?" I turned around asking

"OHHHH , THEY GOT MY NIGGA NOOOO THEY TOOK MY NIGGA" He got up and crawled to rylah and hugged her leg

"You got five seconds.." She looked him in the eyes making him let go quickly

"No nigga , he's messing around" I rolled my eyes

He got up and ran up the stairs

"OPEN THIS FUCKIN DO SO I CAN BEAT YO ASS" He banged on the door

"ILL BUST THIS MUTHAFUCKA OPEN" after he said that Ty opened the door laughing hysterically

"Oowwee, oh - oh my god" Ty laughed with tears coming out his eyes

"Thi-thi-this nigga" He pointed at Jaron on the floor laughing

"this man - he a who-whole BITTCHHH" He said laughing harder

"Shit wasn't funny at all" Jaron bucked at Ty making him cover his face still laughing

"Childish ass niggas , come on rylah" I mumbled


"Sis , I have an honest question" Rylah asked

"Wassup" I put away the cleaning supplies I used the other day

"Come sit" she patted a spot next to her

"Yeeeoo whatcha wonnttt blood" I plopped on my bed

"You still feeling Tyreek ?" I shrugged

"What that mean" she mocked my movement

"Ion know shiiit , plus it don't matter ." I shook my head

"What you mean "it don't matter" "

"He not feeling me no way"

"Biitch that nigga been liking you longer than you've liked him"


"Whatever , I'm not finna argue . Just watch !" She got up and walked away

I sighed and fell back onto my bed and then eventually let the tiredness consume me .

Some time later , movements woke me up .

I slightly opened my eyes and saw Ty climbing into the bed trying not to wake me up like usual .

We've always slept with each other even back in Alabama , it's just how it's always been .. nothing toooo serious .

"Nigga you already woke me up , just get in" I flipped the blankets down so he could get under

"My bad" he laughed and pulled me into his chest

"Mhm" I cuddled with him

"Night" he kissed my forehead


Filler because I haven't updated in mad long 🙂  , I got y'all after school though 💯

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Priincesss Kai 💛

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