The party

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I sit in my room counting by the hours until my part when finally my time arrived. I stood up and walked out my door to be treated by flowers and a note with the words -Love you my bright and shinning. Tonight is your night. Spend it well. Love daddy-. I smiled at the card and walked slowly down the stairs to have a spot light positioned on me and the microphone placed in my mothers hands as she said, "Tonight is the last night I see my daughter as my baby. I let her go after this and we all know what they say. If you love them let them go. If they come back they love you. I'm sending my baby off into the world in hoped she will fit in and come back every once in a while to visit her parents and tell them of her journey as a free soul. I stand here in hope that in four years I will have a son in law and be able to stand at the wedding in tears. Sitting in a chair set aside for me or even standing next to the beautiful bride as she says her vows and kisses her husbands lips and walk away as a happy family. What I'm trying to say is I wish the best for my little duckling as she leaves the pond and comfort of her parents. I love you my precious."

I smile to my mother as a single tear runs down my face. Next up is my dad to speak. He says, "There is no way in the world I could come near what your mother said so I decided to dance with my, as your mother said, duckling one more time before she leaves." My father sets down the microphone and grabs my hand and we dance for the last time until he gives me away to the world.

We danced for a few songs until a familiar face came up to my father and asked to dance with me. I recognized him right away and accepted as my father went to find my mother. I stared at Robby in the face and asked how he had found me to get the reply of, "It was easy. You're one of a kind Olivia and I just happened to stumble upon my greatest gift ever." We danced away the night until the party was over and all left. I got ready for bed, but right before I feel asleep, I replayed the night over and over until I passed out with a triumph smile plastered on my face.

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