Part 1

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                                                                  Avengers Tower

Bucky brought his bowl of popcorn over to the couch the two of you had claimed. As he flopped down, a few pieces of popcorn fell out of the bowl.

"Oops." He said sheepishly. You laugh, picking a piece of popcorn off his shirt and tossing it into your mouth.

"Hey! That was my popcorn..." Bucky says, sticking his lower lip out and pouting like a sad puppy.

"It was not!" You exclaim, shoving your hand into the bowl, and grabbing a handful of the popcorn. Quick as lightning Bucky grabs your wrist with his left hand, the cold metal making your skin tingle. With his right hand, Bucky tries to pry your fingers open to make you release the popcorn. You shove your other hand into the bowl, and Bucky is forced to grab your wrist with his right hand.

"Wow. You know, I thought you two were adults, not toddlers." A voice says behind you. You both turn, Bucky still holding your hands suspended above the popcorn. Sam stands behind you, his arms crossed, smirking slightly.

"Shut up, Sam." You both growl.

"Popcorn is not a laughing matter." You tell him seriously, twisting your wrist in Bucky's titanium grip. His fingers tighten slightly, but you know him well enough to know that he is being as gently as possible. If he wanted to he could probably crush your wrist into sawdust.

The thought would have once bothered you. When you first met the infamous Winter Soldier, you saw a man who did not have control of his own mind, who was a victim but was also incredibly dangerous because of it, so you'd avoided him as much as possible. Now, you still saw all that, but you also saw someone who was gentle, kind, loyal, and a little shy at times, someone who would never hurt you or any of his other friends.

Like a puppy. You think, as Bucky finally relents and lets you have the popcorn.

"Who's ready for movie night?" Clint hollers as he walks into the room, carrying his choice for the monthly Avengers movie night.

"I am!" You exclaim, snuggling into Bucky's side.

"Sure, go ahead and make yourself comfortable," he grumbles jokingly, putting his metal arm around your shoulders.

Steve comes in and sits on the couch behind you, for some reason feeling like it's his duty to chaperone the two of you.

Bruce walks in behind him. "What are we watching this time?" Bruce asks as he takes a seat on one of the other couches next to Natasha and Clint.

"Robin Hood." Clint answers. There's a collective groan. Every time it's Clint's turn to pick the movie it ends up having something to do with archery. And it always ends with Clint yelling at the characters on the screen; "He isn't doing it right! Bowstring to your cheek! Fix the angle of your arm! HOW DID THAT HIT ANYTHING?! HE WAS WAY OFF!"

The movie starts and FRIDAY dims the lights of the Avengers theatre, just as Tony walks in.

There's a bang and a string of curses from Tony. "FRIDAY!"

"My apologies, sir." FRIDAY's voice echoes around the room and she turns on a single light. You turn around to see Tony scooping up tools and tossing them back into a small box. Pepper stands behind him, laughing quietly.

Tony finishes picking up his tools and sits down on a couch at the back of the theatre so that he can tinker without bothering anyone.

The light dims again and the Avengers settle into their seats for the movie.

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