Bleeding out

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I was crying so much my vision was blurry.

Stephen got there in one of his portals. I just said that I needed help and he had to hurry.

"Oh my God"- he yelled. He widened his eyes, his face was pure panic.

"You have to help him, please" - I said between the hiccups. I was still holding Tony in my arms like he could disappear at any moment.

"Let's go, I can't do anything here" - Stephen said, he was desperate too. - "We can send someone to clean this mess after."

He opened a portal, I picked up Tony in my arms and got in followed by Stephen. We ended up in Tony's living room.

Everyone started panicking when we arrived, but I didn't care about anyone at this point, just him.

We got him to a room and Strange got his surgeon things. I put Tony on the bed. He was pale, almost the color of the sheets.

Strange started doing his medical stuff. I saw him shaking.

"Strange, I know it's difficult, because of who it is, but I need you to focus, he needs you" - I said to him, looking into his eyes.

He took a deep breath and came back focused.

"He needs blood, Steve" - Stephen said.

"I will get it on SHIELD'S private hospital" - I said.

"How? "

"That's on me, you do your job" - I said and kissed Tony's lips before I left, they were really cold.

My head was pounding, but Tony needed me right now.

"Bruce, I need you to hack into SHIELD'S hospital so I can get in to get blood" - I said and he widened his eyes.

"But Steve..."

"NOW" - I yelled and he ran to Tony's workshop. - " Clint, I need you to go to Tony's office fast and clean that mess I'm sure you won't miss anything, take Wanda with you"

"Sure" - Clint said and left with Wanda right away.

"Pietro and Peter you come with me, I need your skills"

"Steve, you can get in trouble" - Natasha said.

"I don't care"



Steve had just left, that was not much I could do now, just wait for the blood and monitor him, but at least he was safe.

I was trying to hold myself back, but I caught myself staring at him. He was so beautiful.

I caressed his face with the tip of my fingers, his skin was soft, I ran my fingers through his hair and leaned towards him to smell his hair. I know it was wrong, he had Steve, they love each other.

I knew I had to pull away from him, but his scent was inebriant. I lost control and pressed my lips against his, his lips were better than what I imagined, he was unconscious, I shouldn't have done this. I pulled away from him, I was feeling guilty.

I put myself together and it made me realize that I needed to get out of their ways. Steve truly loved him and he loved him back.

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