My way or the Highway

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Steve grabbed his keys and stormed out, his eyes showed pure anger.

After a couple of seconds Tony felt the urge to go after him, he knew exactly where he was going.

He grabbed the key for one of his cars and got down to the garage under the protests of their friends who asked him not to leave the house alone, but as a true stubborn, he went anyway.


Steve got into S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters going around anyone that tried to stop him till he barged into Fury's office.

"Excuse me, captain, we're in the middle of a meeting"

There were at least five more executives there looking surprised, but for one time Steve didn't care about manners or chain of command and became face to face to Fury leaning on the table.

"What's wrong with you? " - Fury asked which made Steve's blood boil

"Really? You wanna know what's wrong? What about going behind our backs with that bullshit you said on TV? YOU'RE A TRAITOR, You don't care about any of us, you only care about these stupid fancy pants here"

Captain was so blind with rage he didn't care about controlling what came out of his mouth.

"ROGERS, get out of my office now, before I call security on you"

"Oh really? Good luck with that" - everyone in the room went from surprised to scared now.

"Steve, let's go" - Tony showed up behind him, but the blond one never looked back.

"Listen to Stark" - Fury said between his teeth.

"Why did you have to go behind my back? I said I'd do it" - his ton of voice was scary, he was fighting not to jump on Fury's throat right there.

"I'm not stupid, Rogers, I know you wouldn't stick to the plan, you wouldn't say something to hurt Tony."

" You're right, I wouldn't. But now I want you to know you messed with the wrong man." - Even Tony wasn't recognizing his fiancee right now.

" IS THAT A THREAT? DO YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW WHO HAS MORE POWER? " - Now Fury had stepped up too. - " Yeah, Rogers, great job you do protecting your man"

Fury said looking at Tony, who had a black eye.

"Tony? What happened? " - it was enough for the Captain to lose his tough pose.

"Should have let you die when I had the chance, Stark" - Fury said under his breath, thinking they wouldn't hear.

Steve went for him right away and punched him in the face, one punch was enough to lay Fury out.

The men in the room were scared to make a move. Fury got back on his feet and Steve held him by his collar.

" Take my husband's name out of your filthy mouth, am I clear?" - Steve said between his teeth almost growling.

"STEVE, THAT'S ENOUGH, LETS GO " - Stark called him firmly, he knew Steve was not normal and something really worse could happen.

"Listen to Tony he has something in his head " - Fury Muttered after Rogers let him go of his grip.

Tony stepped forward to look directly into Fury's eyes.

" Just for the record, I think you totally deserve what he was going to do to you, but I'm not a coward who kills people just to get them out of my way. "

Tony knew he understood the hint.

They left the room and Fury dropped on his chair, he was pretending he was cool but inside he was filled with fear, he knew Steve's power and he wouldn't want to test it when the latter was that out of control.

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