Twenty Eight

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I walk downstairs assuming that Maya was down here because I was hearing movement. I look around and it got quiet.

"Maya where you at?" Silence was the only response. I squint my eyes putting my hands on my hips. She like playing games but I'm too tired for all that.

"Maya I'm gonna hit you with a skillet stop playing with me." It was silent again. But I had this feeling I wasn't alone. I followed my first instinct and started to walk back upstairs but a voice stopped me.

"Baybeh?" My Head turned so fast . My eyes watered .

"Dillyn..?" He smiled.

"In the flesh boo ." I ran into his arms and squeezed him as hard as I could. He kissed my forehead and sighed.

"I miss you so much .." I smiled as my tears fell down my cheeks.

"I missed you too crackhead." He pulled away but his hands moved to my stomach.

"You found out the gender yet?" I shook my head.

"I'll find out my next doctor visit." He leaned down and kissed my stomach.

"I can't wait to be home.." I raised an eyebrow.

"What? You are home.." He shook his head.

"Not yet ..but I will be soon baybeh. Hold it down for me." I was confused and then my vision went black. My body jolted up and I opened my eyes breathing hard. I looked around frantically and calmed down when I came to my senses.

"Just a dream ." I sighed in disappointment swinging my feet scooting my feet to the edge of the bed and rubbed my stomach feeling the baby kick like crazy.

"You like ya daddy already...driving me crazy ." I mumbled walking to the bathroom doing my business. Then washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I smelled food and automatically got happy.


I slowly walked down the steps and seen Maya in the kitchen cooking.

"Good morning " she said without even turning her back. I honestly feel like she does have eyes in the back of her head .

"How'd you know it was me?"

"I know how your footsteps sound ." I laughed.

"Okay that sounds like a serial killer.." she laughed flipping a pancake.

"Nah I just know my sister." I smiled sitting down in the stool at the bar waiting on the food.

"What you making?"

"Pancakes, bacon, eggs and that hash brown casserole that you wanted me to make ." I clapped my hands excitedly.

"Why you cooking so much?" She turned around and asked me.

"Nigga you asked me to cook before you fell asleep.." I made a face to let her know I didn't remember.

"I honestly don't recall but thank you girrrlll ." She laughed shaking her head. I got up and walked up beside her.

"Where's the casserole?" Once she mentioned casserole I got hella hungry.

"In the oven . Give me a minute." I smiled so big . She grabbed an oven mitten and opened the oven taking out the casserole. I have never been so happy about food .

"I really love you ." I sped walked to the cabinet and grabbed a plated and a spatula and cut me a piece then grabbed a fork. I sat in the same spot that I was and ate . Her casserole was speaking to my soul right now.

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