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First Heat

Sowon POV

Urgh, my head...

I thought after a nice cold bath and going straight to bed, I will refresh in the morning but it's totally wrong.

I'd attacked with a huge headache and my body is hot...again...

I checked on the thermometer, it said my temperature is normal. But why do I feel so hot and dizzy??

Seriously, what is wrong with my body?

I look at the clock...I still have time to go to school, maybe eating breakfast at school will make me better.

I'm wrong.

It doesn't get better at all!


I look up and see Nayoung sitting in front of me in class.

"You look pale and sweating," she said pulling out her handkerchief and starting to swap my sweat "You okay?"

I shook my head "I don't know, my body is weird since yesterday and I feel so hot"

"Hey, guys! Do you smell this? It's so sweet!"


"Where is this from?"

A couple of boys in my class started to make a fuss.

Smell? What smell?

Suddenly Nayoung pulled me away out of class, I surprised but I can't complain, it feels like I don't have any power.

I don't know where Nayoung takes me but I feel like I'm going to collapse any second.

We arrive at...huh? Infirmary?

"Stay here Sowon, you're in heat!" She said

What? In heat?

"Heat? That impossible, beta can't be into heat!" I denied but my body getting hotter and hotter that I can't control over it

"I know but the way you act and the number of pheromones you just released a moment ago indicate that you are not a beta, Sowon"


"That's a sign of Omega in heat"


"I will find an Infirmary doctor to check on you, meanwhile, don't go anywhere okay, stay here"

I see Nayoung running out of Infirmary, leaving me confused and shocked.

Me? In heat? Omega?


How can it be? That impossible! My health check said that I'm 100% beta.

What is going on!


My body is hot again!


It started to hurt too! Oh my Lord! It's so hurt!

Please, someone! Help me to stop this!

Jungkook POV



"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a minor scratch"

"But you're bleeding"

"I'm fine Jimin and stop worrying about me or I will end up in a wheelchair soon because of your boyfriend" I look at Jimin who turns his head to Yoongi Hyung who putting on a sullen face.

"Nah, it's okay, he always does that," Jimin said chuckling.

"Sorry Jungkook, I put too much strength in it," said Taehyung feeling sorry

"Don't worry it's just a little scratch," I said getting up from the ground

"But it's bleeding"

"Go to Infirmary to disinfect that," said Yoongi Hyung pulling Jimin's waist to his hug


I smirk looking at how possessive and easy to be jealous he is. Same as Taehyung too. They're no different, being possessive over their mate.

Do I have to be that way if I found my mate? Nah, I don't even sure that I need a mate. A settled relationship is a pain in the ass and not really my style. Staying with one person only is so boring. Being Playboy is better, I don't need to worry about possessiveness and jealousy plus listening to their nagging and annoyingness.

But maybe with that girl, I would change my mind. I smirk.

Remembering her makes me smile, teasing her is fun. I think she's the only girl that not affected by my charm.

But that one time, the time when I carried her. She smells so sweet, the smell I love since I'm still a kid. Pink Grapefruit. I can't get off that smell out of my mind. Also, when she is still unconscious, the mark that suddenly appeared and my inner Alpha is driving me crazy. That's so weird. That never happens to me.

Oh well, I don't care, it doesn't matter anyway.

I look at my injured arm, it's not really bad just a minor, yet Jimin is being overreacted. Is he forget that our blood is special, especially an Alpha? We have royal blood, this little scratch will heal at any second.

I suddenly stop my feet, I smell it again.

That smell. A sweet pink Grapefruit.

I follow that smell.

I look up.



But the smell is so strong coming from here.


Shit! Why do I get nervous all of sudden?

I open the door slowly.

Suddenly a huge amount of sweet pheromones hit me like a strong wind.


Sup! It's a double update!

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