Chapter 3: The Time Wheel

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        The audience turned to see what was causing Emma to stumble on her words. This had to have been the most embarrassing moment of her life. How could a man bring himself to intentionally hurt his ex at an event in honor of her parents?

        Emma finished her speech at the best of her ability then dashed off the stage and headed straight for the ladies wash room to compose herself. The handicap stall, to her dismay, smelled awful but, gave her comfort since she had enough room to pace and contemplate what to do next. She wasn’t in the ladies room for five minutes before Daisy came banging on the door like a madman.

        “Em,” Daisy called. “I know you’re in there, I can see your shoes. Why did you run off the stage?”

        What could she say? How, after all the talk about her being alright without Colin and that she could care less if he started a new relationship. Well it happened and all her talk went out the window.

        Emma opened the stall and walked out.

        “It’s Colin.” she said

        Daisy’s eyebrows furrowed. “What about him?”

        “He’s here,” Emma replied. “here with some ballooned breasted barbie.”

        “What?” Daisy nearly shouted before calming herself down and grabbed Emma by the shoulder. “It’s not that bad, right?”

        “Not that bad?” Emma questioned bewildered. “Daisy he brought another woman to my event.”

        “But you're over him.”

        Emma shrugged. “Maybe, not maybe.”

        “But he’s a douche remember?” Daisy took her hand. “It’s alright, Em. This is your night, not his. Don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset.”

        Emma nodded her head. “Okay, that makes sense.”

        “Come on, more journalist want to interview you.”

        With Emma’s self esteem intact, the girls walked out of the ladies room. Daisy was right, why should she worry about Colin, the only special thing about him was that his family owned the largest hotel chain in the world. He never actual accomplished anything on his own.

        Except, he was extremely nice to her. No matter how many dates she cancelled, he was always willing to reschedule.

        “As long as I’m with my beautiful girl.” he would say.

        Could it have been possible that everything he said to her was a load of bull?

        “Chin up,” Daisy whispered. “There are cameras everywhere.”

        “Right,” Emma agreed, not realizing that she was studying the floor, which was so not like her. Emma had boyfriends in past and they never had this affect on her.

        Her smile was bright and her head held high as she talked to more reporters, all the while keeping an eye out for Colin and his date. With luck, she would be able to make a quick exit if he decided to approach her. Relationships were hard and Emma could see why Daisy never bothered with them. Her answer to dealing with men was never for too long. And she meant it. For as long Emma had known her, Daisy hadn’t been in a relationship for more than three months.

        At some point in the night Emma found herself with Ben talking to an Archaeologist who worked with a team that discovered the lost city of Shi Cheung. He told her how much her parent’s story inspired him and his team not to give up. That brought her so much joy.
“This is so unbelievable,” Emma commented while looking at the guest in their own deep conversations.

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