Chapter 5: The Kingdom of Thorelind

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         Emma could not believe her ears.

        Her savior, her knight in shiny armour was none other than Prince Nicholas himself. The man she spent hours on end reading about. There was an entire bookcase in the Record Room dedicated to him only. With records of his impressive victories in battle from the time he was a prince to his reign as king. It was easy to dub him as the greatest ruler Thorelind had ever seen.

        Emma was truly honored to be in his presence.

        She blinked a few times feeling very nervous and a look of trouble washed over Prince Nicholas’s face.

        “Are you alright?” He asked holding on to her tight.

        If Emma’s ankle was not in so much pain, she would ravish at the fact that a Prince was concern about her well being.

        “I’m fine.” she replied smiling up into his handsome face.

        Emma tried to walk but the pain hit her again and she lost her balance. Before falling to the ground she was once again caught by Prince Nicholas. Just staring into his blue eyes made her feel safe and secure. Maybe it was because he was a skillful warrior or the many battles he’d won and the many more that was yet to come. But, dwelling on the sensation she was beginning to feel was completely deranged, there was a time portal she needed to get to by midnight if she wanted to get back to Seattle in her own time.

        Maybe it could have been the trick of the moonlight but Emma thought she caught the Prince gazing at her the same way.

        “Please forgive me for my rudeness, my lady. What is your name?” He asked.

        “Emma,” she answered slowly pulling away from him. “Well, that’s short for Emilia.”

        “Lady Amelia?” he repeated, the tone of his voice had changed. “Lord Edmund’s ward?”

        “I don’t think so,” Emma replied slowly.

        From the way Prince Nicholas looked at her, he took it as a joke.

        “Lady Amelia, I apologize for what the slave traders did to you. If I would have known you’d be descending upon us so soon I would have sent my finest Knights to escort you on your journey.The King and I did not expect you until Thursday.”

        Emma had no clue what the Prince was talking about. Apparently he was mistaking her for this Lady Amelia like Berinon and his  men did.  It was a very strange situation to be caught in. She wanted to stay in the forest and wait for midnight the next day but she needed medical attention and protection, that was for sure. Plus, judging from her time, it was Monday and if she was correct she had only two days until the real Lady Amelia arrived.

        Prince Nicholas turned to his Knights. “Sir Gavin, Sir Cassius. I need you to assist me.”

        Just by staring into his eyes, Emma completely forgot that they were not alone. The poor knights, they must have felt uncomfortable watching the two of them harmlessly flirt with one another.

        Prince Nicholas climbed on his horse and held out his hand. The Knights were at her side ready to give her a boost and her stomach did a flop. Emma never ridden a horse before in her life unless a sportscar with a horse powered engine counted. Those were the type of cars Colin liked to drive.

        “I don’t think that’s necessary gentlemen,” Emma said with a nervous laugh.

        “Please, my lady, you are hurt. Thorelind is only but an hour away by horse. It will take quite a bit of time on foot.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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