Day 24

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"shut up h."

Styles: Morning Lou! Hope you're not sleeping in today. Need some company.

Tommo : nope. not even a little bit..

Styles: What a surprise. Are you busy?
Read 9:45 a.m.

Styles: Louis??
Read 9:50 a.m.

Styles: I'm assuming you fell asleep? No worries.

Tommo : no, sorry. i'm with a friend.

Styles: Wow, actually doing something before noon.

Tommo : shut up h

Styles: :-) xx
Read 10:03 a.m.

Styles: Text me when you've got a moment then, yeah?
Read 10:05 a.m.

Tommo : ok hi I'm all freed up.
Read 11:34 a.m.

Tommo : h?

Styles: Oh, sorry. Hi Louis! I'm with Zayn!

Tommo : no way.. i'm with liam lol

Styles: Yeah. he told me. Haha.

Styles: Said the three of you were gonna have lunch so he just popped by before he had to go.

Tommo : aw what a good friend.

Tommo : hey ask him if he's going to bring my jumper back.
Read 11:39 a.m.

Styles: Haha! Zayn's wearing it. Said he forgot it was yours again.

Tommo : ugh he's such a little shit. lol

Tommo : tell him we're friends and all but I'm bringing an extra shirt just so he can change out of it.

Styles: Aw! Don't be mean, Louis. Let him wear it.

Tommo : nooo, he's had it for so long.

Styles: Fine. I'll let him wear my shirt. And keep it til he brings it back.

Tommo : pffft you're never seeing that shirt again..

Styles: Louis!

Tommo : whaaaat..

Styles: Tsk tsk. Be right back.

Tommo : Fine..
Read 11:48 a.m.

Styles: Okay. He's in my shirt and he's gonna bring your jumper so you don't get your panties in a twist.

Tommo : too late

Styles: What's so special about that jumper anyways?

Tommo : nothing

Styles: Yeah, that was convincing.

Tommo : just.. it was a jumper dan bought me a long time ago before we were officially together.

Styles: Oh.

Tommo : yeah. I just like to have it back cos I feel like its special or something.

Tommo : it's so stupid lol. whatever he can keep it.

Styles: Yeah no worries. I got it. He's gonna give it back today.

Styles: Don't say that, Lou. If it means something to you, it means something to you. I don't think it's stupid.

Tommo : thanks.

Styles: It's cool. Really.

Tommo : hey, I'm heading over to liam's. gonna pick him up and then go to the restaurant. I'll text you when I'm back home?

Styles: Sure thing, Lou. 😋

Tommo : Thanks.
Read 12:03 p.m.

Tommo : harry...
Read 12:37 p.m.

Styles: Yeah? Are you home already? Zayn only left like fifteen minutes ago.

Tommo : did he leave my jumper at your place?

Tommo : or is he lying.

Styles: Hold on for a minute..

Tommo : alright alright.

Styles: Oops.

Tommo : hi, earth to harry. that's not an answer.

Styles: Yeah, sorry. It's here, was under my own jumper but I think he took that instead.

Tommo : oh.

Styles: I can drop it off at Zayn's and you can pick it up from there.

Tommo : no no. it's okay. umm

Tommo : yeah. just keep it.

Styles: Are you sure? I don't want it if you really did need it back.

Tommo : yeah, you keep it. bet it looks better on you than it ever did on me or zayn...

Styles: Oh. Um, thanks.

Tommo : haha, you're welcome.

Styles: To make it even, you can keep my jumper. Fair trade :-)

Tommo : k fine. just t make it even. ill text u later ok?

Styles: Yeah. Later. x
Read 12:40 p.m.

Harry didn't know what to do now. On one had he was excited because he thought how cute it was that Louis said he could have the jumper and that he'd look good wearing it. But on the other hand, it belonged to Louis and was a gift from his horrid ex-boyfrined. He wasn't sure what kind of sign he was getting from him, but he just shrugged it off and pulled the jumper over his head. It fit perfectly, covering all of his long torso in a fitted look.

Just thinking that he was wearing this clothing that belonged to a guy he had a crush on who got it as a gift from his ex boyfriend a long time ago and still had it. It made Harry smile. Louis was so weird, but Harry kind of liked that. Yeah, he liked Louis. He hums, passing the time studying a bit before he knew Louis would respond.


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