Chapter 4

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"Yea, hey can I speak to Adrian?"

"Sure. Who's this?"

"This is Taylen Carter, I go to her school."


I heard him calling for her, and she came to the phone.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey Adrian, this is Taylen. I know that at school you're like and outcast or whatever, so am I, even though I choose to be. But I notice you, and..."

"Oh god. Are you a lesbian?" She cut me off.

"No straight as a pencil love. But I wanted to ask you a question about the dolls you have." I said.

"Oh! My mindless dolls?"

"Yea those."

"Oh, I'm happy to answer any of your questions." She cheered.

"Um....none of your dolls have come to life have they?" I asked.

"One has, but he's not alive anymore, why?"

"Yesterday I got one, and some stuff happened and now he's alive."

"Oh. Well, what did you do?"

"My cousins, put glitter and cake on him, and I sorta said he was actually cute, and I hugged it."

"Oh, mine was about the same, but my sister spilled Koolaid on it."

"Which one came alive on you?" I asked.



"Oh cool. But I'll save your number, and we'll talk nor on it."

"Ok, thanks."


I hung up the phone, and looked over to EJ. He was playing with my pillow.

I wonder if it's just his doll model that comes to life? Adrian had the same problem. With the same doll.

I got an Idea.

"EJ, we're going to the toy store."

"The toy store?"

"Yea. It's where people buy you."


We went to the garage, and got my brothers old car.

Of course I had to explain, what it was to him, then we left.

"What are we doing here?"

"I'm doing an experiment."

We got out, and walked into the store.

"Excuse me?" I asked the cashier. "What aisle can I find the mindless dolls?"

"Aisle 7M. Everything is alphabetized."

"Thank you." I said. Me & EJ walked through the aisle.

"Stop touching things!" I told him.

"What is this stuff?"

"They're toys, now can you atleast act like you're a human? Damn."

We finally reached the dolls. These dolls literally scared the shit out of me. They had everything. Even 2 album cd's that were obviously recorded by someone else. They had clothes, all kinds of stuff.

"Look! That's our stuff!" He cheered.

"But wait......that doesn't look like you?" I said, pointing one of the pictures. I saw a lady that worked into the store, and asked her to come over.

"Can you explain why that doll in that picture, doesn't look like the doll on the shelf and in the other picture?"

"Oh that was the fourth doll they had in the original series. Since it had a recall, and the material they used was making kids sick, they replaced it." She said.

"Oh, thanks."

"No problem kid." And she walked away.

"So you aren't in the original series."

"What does that mean?"

"You're new."

"That's probably why he comes alive."

I looked at the dolls they had on the shelf, and all they had left was EJ, and "Ray Ray"

So I just got him.

After I finished paying for him, we went home.

I went into the kitchen, and got some Koolaid, and cake. Then when I went into my room, I got the glitter.

"EJ I need your help."


"Help me mess up your friend." I mixed the cake and glitter up in the Koolaid. Ghetto lords forgive me for what I just did.

"What did Ray Ray do?" He asked.

"Nothing, just start splashing this stuff on him!"

Pretty soon we were making a huge mess. Like children.

"Good." I said. "Now I gotta hug him."

I picked him up, and looked at it. They make these dolls have pretty eyes.

"This doll has some really pretty eyes. I wonder how they made them look so real? And that hair! Wow. A perfect work of art." I said.

"Ok, enough with the soft shit, open the closet EJ. Remember how to turn knobs?"

"Yes I do." He turned the knob, and I layed him in the closet.

"I just remembered something? It's my birthday."

"What's that?"

"It's the day you were born."

"Do I have a birthday?" He asked.

"I don't know."

I walked to his box, and saw a little card.

"This card says your birthday is June 24th, and it's August, so it's already passed."

"Can I have another birthday?"

"Yep, every year."


I went to my phone and saw I had a lot of unread messages. I was so worried about EJ I forgot everything. I also got a text from my brother saying him and Shay went to the casino. Yay.

"EJ, you wanna go I the closet, or sit out?"


"Ok. Whatever."

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