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What have I done


"Make your decision now Yoongi"

"What's it going to be ?"

"You either leave the contract or leave Taehyung"

"Promise you'll never leave me Yoongi"

"I will never ever leave you Taehyung"

Yoongi wakes up in a cold sweat , panting lightly , he looks over at the clock

3:40 am

He sighs rubbing his face , looking over next to him he sees a peaceful Taehyung asleep . he looks so beautiful when he's asleep , (not that he doesn't look beautiful already but you get it ), there's this aura that he radiates when he's asleep , it's so calming and so precious to look at , Yoongi is always in awe with the younger , how could he ever leave such a beautiful heartwarming soul ? He was so confused at this point , not knowing how to tell taehyung he's being forced to make a decision , his dream or the love of his life , anxiety and fear came over the ravenette all at once . Obviously Yoongi knew what Taehyung would say leave him and pursue his music career and forget all about him

But was it really that simple ?

Yoongi made a promise to Tae and he intends to keep it . He never ever wants to hurt his lover since he knew what he went through before with his horrid ex and it's not like he's staying to pity him , oh no . That would never be the case . He no doubt loves Kim Taehyung and will do absolutely anything for him . But overall it's stressful for him knowing he has to make a decision between the two things he loves most in his life

He just wishes everything was really easy


After finally dozing off again Yoongi wakes up to an empty spot where Taehyung usually is . He wonders where he is , Yoongi gets out of bed throwing on a shirt . Looking around he sees Taehyung in the kitchen trying to flip pancakes but failing miserably , Yoongi loudly laughs at his boyfriends attempt in making breakfast knowing the boy doesn't have experience in the kitchen which causes the other to jump and makes the levitating pancake to fall onto the floor

"Yoongi ! That was breakfast !" Taehyung whines

Yoongi falls onto the floor laughing so hard he clutches onto his stomach , after a few minutes he gets up chuckling a little wiping the tear of his eye and looking up to a pouting crosses arm Tae

"It's not wasn't even that funny " He grumbles

"Of course it is babe ! You're so cute trying to flip the pancakes it's really cute" he places a peck on his forehead

Tae smiles but tries to cover it up knowing he's supposed to be "mad" at Yoongi for laughing at his poor skills of cooking

Even so he can't be mad at his lover when he shows off his perfect gummy smiles the he just admired the most out of the older

There's honestly a million things that Kim Taehyung admires about Min Yoongi , But it would take hours just to name all of them .

As Yoongi helps Taehyung with breakfast and finally sit down after having a disastrous food fight with the pancake mix . Yoongi finds it the time to talk to him about what's going on with the company


Tae looks up with his confused puppy eyes syrup all over his pretty pink lips that look so sweet and so irresistible to kiss. Yoongi fights back his urges and decides to have a serious conversation without it leading to a heated make out session.

"I want to tell you about what's going on with the company and what they are making me do."

"Go on"

"Well ever since that headline came out my manager and ceo have been furious and are making me choose between you of my career . It's hard and before you say anything I want to tell you how I feel and you then tell me what you think ,"

Taehyung nods slowly giving all his attention to a now serious faced Yoongi

"I don't want to choose. And even so I don't know what to choose , and I know it seems so selfish not picking right off the bat but this is really hard , I love doing what I do , and I love you ,and even if you're still not ready for the I love you too part it's ok , but I don't know what to do . Ever since you came into my life it's been an amazing ride with you and I love you I love you more than anything in this world , but I also love my job and what I do , I don't know what to pick honestly it seems like I'm choosing my job but I'm not I don't know what to choose honestly and if you just give me time I'll tell you what my answe is- "

Yoongi was caught off by a pair off sweet sticky lips as they kissed Yoongi felt some sort of reassurance he knows his can be happy with Taehyung.

Taehyung pulls apart from their sweet kiss smiling at Yoongi

"I love you Yoongi so much you don't even know much I've been wanting to say I love you back and I'm not saying it right now because I want you to choose , quite frankly I don't care if you don't choose me I just want you to be happy . I love you no matter what Yoongi whatever you choose that makes you happy I'll be happy for you , though I'll be sad if you don't choose me it's ok ! I'll support you no matter what and if you start developing feelings for that girl it's fine also I'll be here no matter what" Taehyung fakes a smile

Yoongi knows that fake smiles and know those last sentences made Taehyungs heart hurt , he knows what he's supposed to do now

he pulls Taehyung into a tight embrace and whispers into Taehyung ear.

He made a decision within a heartbeat thinking it would take days .


HAHAAHAHHA CLIFFHANGER Ugh my mind !! Comment what you think Yoongi's decision was .

I think I'm going to make a few more chapters and end this ? I don't know I love this book so much and I just want of keep you guys off the edge hehehe anyways I'll go update the other books lol bye !

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