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Grab ya tissues cause I sure am


A few days after the proposal they invited their friends for a dinner talking about the upcoming wedding

"I'm nervous for some reason" Taehyung squeals

"Me too babe but let's not get too excited" Yoongi smiles at his now fiancé

As their friends arrive Tae runs up to the door already hugging Jimin

"Show me the ring !" Jimin squeals

Taehyung smiles brightly lifting his hand up where his ring is at , its was a beautiful diamond ring

"It's beautiful Tae he really made it special" Jimin smiles


Once Namjoon and Jin arrive , they are all seated and chatting up

"So when is the marriage date ?" Hoseok asks

"we were thinking in the winter so a few weeks after the holidays" Yoongi replies

"That's great !" Seokjin chirps

"So whats the theme or all white ?"

"We are thinking of doing a winter blue kinda like frozen" Tae adds

"Wow ! That's brilliant" Jimin

"Yeah" the other three chimed

"Any ways I just wanted to ask Seokjin and Namjoon to turn me in" Taehyung asks

Seokjin looks at him with wide eyes and smiles brightly

"Of course I will Taehyung ! You're are my baby and It would be such an honor to do this !"

"Hey what about me ?" Jimin pouts

"Would you like to be my best man ?"

"Yes of course I would !" Jimin squeals

"And as for you Hoseok" Yoongi turns

"You are my best friend and we've been through everything would you like to be my best man ?"

"Of course Yoongi" Hoseok smiles brightly

"Well it's all settled then ! Let's get down to planning !"


Seven months later

"Ow you're hurting me"

"Stay still"

"Ow my hair !"

"Taehyung shut up and let me fix your hair you look like you were put in the dryer"

"That was pretty funny"

"Well I am the Kim Seokjin"

"We didn't ask"

"Jimin shut up"

"Guys we have fifteen minutes left till the ceremony please hurry this up" Namjoon interrupts

"Ok let me just put a bit more hair spray and get your tie" Seokjin replies

"And Jimin go get Tae's tie" Seokjin demands as well

"On it" Jimin chirps

It was the day of the wedding and everyone was nervous . Yoongi has planned out their double honeymoon to be in Puerto Rico and Amsterdam since Taehyung is dying to go somewhere exotic and fun . And Yoongi has always wanted to go to Europe

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