I Hate Summer

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I Hate Summer

I hate summer. I am not a fan of scorching heat and sun that burns deep into your skin. Summer seems like it should be wrong to enjoy. People die in summer because of the things it brings. Skin cancer, heat stroke, sun stroke, drownings, forest fires, drought, famine, it's living in hell. I see why no one could ever enjoy summer.

I hate summer because everything feels so sticky. The humidity is suffocating. My shirt sticks to my back because of sweat. My legs stick to anything leather, plastic, or skin; but I can't wear pants because of the insufferable heat. I hate the feeling of sticky fingers from a spilled lemonade or melting popsicle. And the stickiness of fresh lip gloss on my cheek from a quick peck. It's all just a piece of gum spat on the sidewalk that now resides on the bottom of your sandal.

I hate summer because it is when romance seems to blossom its brightest. It's when two lovers meet to swim in a lake. They smile brightly at one another as they watch the sunset sink in the background; their fingers link as they share a kiss filled with fireworks. They lean their foreheads against one anothers in an intimate moment they want the world to see. But that moment is still just theirs.

I hate summer because it reminds me of June.

Every sunset is tainted because I shared one to many with you. Every glass of lemonade makes me sick because it was the only thing you drank. "It's just so refreshing. A cold beverage on a hot day." Everything sweet is now sticky, every perfect picture is ruined because you are burned into the image. I can't delete the memories in which you reside. I can't erase the feeling of your arm brushing against mine while the wind of the rolled down windows blows through your hair.

I loved summer even as the leaves began to change. When you started to pull away. When our love began to die. Then you were gone and the first snow fell.

The winter writhed within me. I was turned to stone. Only my cold hearted anger could light a little fire within me. I preferred winter because I knew it could last forever. I knew nothing could create the summer that I shared with June.

Then I met April. She had a warm smile and bright pink cheeks. The winter was nipping at her nose. She was kind. She made me laugh. And little by little the snow began to melt. Spring was around the corner. 

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