Day 7

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I love hot chocolate!!!

Yeah I got 3 hours of sleep last night. My body HATES me!!

I thought about what I ate today. 

 Breakfast: Nothing

Lunch: Mashed potatoes and gravy. Meatballs.

Supper: Hot dog

Yup that's my daily meals. 

Crazy Hair Day today. I had 5 different hair styles. All in one day. 

So in my Psychology class, I am supposed to do a Norm Violation project. So I am supposed to act out of the norm somewhere. Has anyone ever done this? I feel like this is my life. I am just not a normal person. But then, What is normal? Some people say that normal is stable minded. Is anyone stable minded?

  "Our lives are mere flashes of light in an infinitely empty universe. In 12 years of education the most important lesson I have learned is that what we see as "normal" living is truly a travesty of our potential. In a society so governed by superficiality, appearances, and petty economics, dreams are more real than anything anything in the "real world". Refuse normalcy. Beauty is everywhere, love is endless, and joy bleeds from our everyday existence. Embrace it. I love all of you, all my friends, family, and community. I am ceaselessly grateful from the bottom of my heart for everyone. The only thing I can ask of you is to stay free of materialism. Remember that every day contains a universe of potential; exhaust it. Live and love so immensely that when death comes there is nothing left for him to take. Wealth is love, music, sports, learning, family and freedom. Above all, stay gold." 

-Dominic Owen Mallary 

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