Day 21

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He did not become King. He was disappointed but happy for the guy that did get voted King. Seniors won the Lip Sync and the Powder Buff. Freshmen won the week. They had more people sign up for the Polar Plunge. My sister signed up for that so I am going to video tape her. Her reaction is going to be priceless, I just know it.

I have to work on Valentine's Day. 

I decided not to get the dress because my mom would not approve of it. She thinks it's a waste of money. She's probably right. 

They postponed the Snow Daze Dance. I don't know when they are going to have yet. I can't wait. 

One thing I hate is when someone will not let something go. One of my friends asked me if I was mad and I told her no that I was fine. She just would not leave it. I eventually became annoyed. Another one of my friends thinks she knows how I am feeling. Honestly I will be having fun and she will ask me why I am mad. I tell her I am not and she says I am. Ugh.

"Isn't it odd how people kills flies just because they are annoying? If people killed people for being annoying, I would've died like years ago."


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