Running into WHO!

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When we got to Olive garden I saw........... JAKE

Travis: Look mommy it's Jake Paul!   ya i-it is I'm going to talk to aunti Erika.                                             Travis left and went to Jake                       Travis: I Travis and I watch you videos Jake:Hi Travis is your mommy here.      Travis: Ya I will bring her right now.     Travis went to Tessa and draged her to Jake

Tessa:oh um hi jake : Jake:oh hi Tessa is this your child :Tessa: yes actually.    Jake:so who's the father : Tessa: Trav can you go to aunti Erika so I could talk to Jake plz :Tessa:Jake I'm sorry for leaving you like that: Jake: why did you do run : Tessa: I was scared because..... :Jake: scared of what : Tess:I was scared because I was pregnant with you child😯: Jake: so that's my child: Tessa: ya and I'm so sorry for not telling you:Jake:can we start over : Tessa: What do you mean: Jake:I want to be real again we already have a child. 

Sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger this is my new story I hope you will enjoy it I am having writers block but I still try to write just for you 🙂 so I hope you enjoy and do watcha gotta do peace love you guys

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