love! AGAIN

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Tessa: OMG Jake are you serious your not mad at me Jake !!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!      Jake: well I'm still mad I just wish you would've told me and you wouldn't have ran away does the kid know I'm his dad or what                                            Tessa: no but we need to tell him
Jake:so will you be my girlfriend again Tessa:I don't know it seems to fast!!!!!! Jake:oh
Tessa:But yes I will be your girlfriend Jake:oh I get it -WAIT YES REALLY.      Tessa:yess really okurrrr.                            Jake slowly starts to lean in along with Tessa and then they smash there lips together it slow but pasinot but then someone unexpected came in the restaurant it was.................

Sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger but I hope you have a wonderful day or night idk,😂 and I promise I'm not on drugs *lying* read comment do whatcha gotta do peace love you guys bye bitches

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