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When I signed up for online dating I didn't know what to expect. Was I going to meet a creepo who only wanted sex or was I going to meet a "Perfect" person who wouldn't want to so much as put his arm around a girl until they were at least engaged?

I started talking to two guys my first night on OkCupid. Two guys. The one lived close and went to church. The other lived almost two hours away and was a Pegan. Both very nice.

One thing I liked about OkCupid was the fact that you could see how compatible you are with someone because it's at the top of their profile. I was 76% compatible with the church guy and 90% compatible with the Pegan.

As I'm talking to the church guy one day, he asks me out. Keep in mind, I was also talking to the Pegan. I had to make a choice between the two of them. I let the Pegan man know that I was talking to another fellow.

The church man and I set up a date to go to Wendy's after drills once. Well, that plan never happened and I haven't heard from him since. I tell the Pegan man that the plans fell through. Him and I still talked for a while after.

Then one day I got a random message from him saying, "You should totally call me lol". I was like yeah! That sounds fun! So he gave me his number. Unfortunately, my phone wasn't getting a good signal and I had to call him on Snapchat.

My Snapchat kept fucking up and dropping the call. I had to uninstall it and reinstall it. Well, I couldn't reinstall it because it wouldn't install again. So, we try video chatting on Instagram. The quality of that was complete shit.

We stop the video chat so we friend each other on Facebook so we can video chat on Facebook Messenger. That night, we stayed on the video chat from about 03:00-05:30.

The next night after I got home from work, we video chatted again. We video chatted every night that week. During one of our video chats, we made plans to meet up and go out on a date to see if OkCupid did good when the matched us.

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