i'm an abandoned soul in a dark room.
my depressed life,
waiting for its bloom.
tired with this cruel world,
i spill my white blood.
failed to control the uncontrollable thoughts of dud.
now, i know the consequences of being a rebel.
porcelain dolls with no flaws,
treat me like a pebble.
my heart sings a sad song when i'm hurt.
little did you know, my heart was never unhurt.
a powerful desire got destroyed when turned into want.
my dreams were a product for bullies to flaunt.
shower some mercy as i try to fight my inner demons.
i scream when my blemish deepens.
there is no way to break these invincible walls.
your hateful words thrown at me like fireballs.
my appearance left to be burned into a glowing charcoal.
i will forever be trapped in this black hole.- r
A/N: Firstly, thank you very much for reading it! And make this crybaby smile from your votes and comments. It would be my privilege to know what you think and feel about this poem.
Secondly, I'm really sorry for the late update. Reason being, I slack a lot. So, the next update will surely be after an eternity. I'm also busy with my studies and I don't get enough time to write. But still, I promise to update as early as possible.Love you all!