Season2 Chapter1: Research

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Wally's pov:

I was in a library, searching infos on the legend, what I know is that he died and that the great Arceus sealed him in a statue. If he was sealed, there might be a way to summon him. I ran through books about the legend buy found nothing. I asked people if they knew anything but they thought I was crazy. But I have lived long enough to know that I'm right, 163 years to be exact. I was eleven when I met him and the thing is, I don't know why I'm still alive but I think that there's a link with the legend. Since the hero died, I've been kind of immortal. Why? I don't know but I'm out of ideas.
I decided to clean my thought by walking in the forest. I walked for some hours and decided to sit. I was against a tree, in front of a lake. I saw pokemons drinking and then, it hitted me. Arceus was the key!
I went back to the library and asked for all the books talking about Arceus.
I ran through lots of books but none was talking about summoning. Then, I think I knew what I saw so I got back to the previous page and there was an Arceus drawing were he stood in front of a huge stone.
'The great Arceus had sometime needed to cast spells on foes to seal them away.'
I continued.
'Myths says that he would use a voice that no one ever heard to cast the spell'.
On the picture were weird symboles resembling to ancient language. Since I was alive back then I knew what it meant. Now that I have a way to summon him, I need to find were he...
I looked on the side of the picture and saw a code.
I was thinking of what it meant but if it was a place then it should be easy...
Wait! 9563m is 9563meters and o.tN is on the North! Ok, I can go now.
I got out of the library and went directly to the north. Minutes passed and I had no ways to tell if I was far or not from 9563meters. I continued to walk and two hours went by. The weird thing since I was in a forest is that I can't see even one pokemon. I continued my way and started to hear statics. I saw a cave and entered it while the statics were getting stronger. As I was making my way through the darkness, I started to see even if there was no lights.

Wally: Weird....

The statics were getting stronger and stronger but suddenly stopped once I reached a wall. There was symbols.... It was the same as in the book.

Wally: Let's see.... Erm....

I remembered the language from my time and started to read the text.

Wally: 'May the sky pierce through cloud, may the darkness live along with light, may the fallen rise against

As I finished, the ground started to shake violently and torches started to lit up. I was now seeing clearly. A light suddenly came out of the stone while I was waiting to see if it was really you....Y/n.

Y/n's pov:

It's all dark.... Oh yeah, I'm dead.... Or am I? Suddenly, a bright light came to view. And I saw someone....rather a pokemon.

???: You have been summoned.

Y/n: And who are You?

Arceus: I'm Arceus, the one that guides the world.

Y/n: Now I remember....How's my friends doing?

Arceus: I've sealed you with your pokemons.

Y/n: And Wally, he must be old now...

Arceus: 152 Years have past my friend.

Y/n: So he's dead....

Arceus: No, I made him immortal since he was once your friend.

Y/n: Oh....

Arceus: You've been summoned back in the 'pokemon universe'.

Y/n: I could have been summoned elsewhere?

Arceus: Since I placed the statue in every parallel universe, yes.

Y/n: Oh.... But-

Arceus: Time is running short y/n, you'll be weak the first hours.

Y/n: What do you mean by....

Everything went black.

Wally's pov:

The light died down and I could look in front of me. On the ground, panting, there was....y/n

Wally: Y/n?

Y/n: *huff**puff* Yes, it's me.

Wally: ...

Y/n: ...

Wally/Y/n: Y/N!!!/WALLY!!!!

Y/n: How have You been man?

Wally: Nothing exciting happened.

Y/n: How have people changed?

Wally: Not so much, we have a better technology now.

Y/n: Nice!

Wally: How does it feel to be sealed?

Y/n: You feel nothing except void bu-


Y/n: Oh no....


You both felt to the ground asleep.

???'s pov:

???: Ok, they are asleep, take them to the laboratory!

They did as I said.

???: I knew he would be useful..... The immortal.

A/n: First chapter, hope you like it, there's a lot happening in this one and I have a lot of ideas. As always, have a nice day! Bye!

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