And so, She flew

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Days pass, and Deemo sat at his piano. He closed his eyes and played a song he made in honor of Kumiko. As he played, A tear rolled down his cheek. His heart broke. When the song reached the end, he slowly turned into a boy. His hair was black, he had pale skin, and was wearing an all black suit. Upon his neck was a white bow tie. He whispered to himself "angel..." As he said that, Kumiko's spirit appeared behind him. Her hand was on his shoulder. He smiled and Kumiko did as well. Kumiko disappeared. A single white rose was left next to Deemo. He gently picked it up and looked at it. He cried more and left it on the piano. He walked into his room and laid down. Deemo looked at the ceiling. "Why were you so kind to me......" He closed his eyes and more tears spilled. He fell asleep a couple minutes later. He dreamt about running in a field with his friend. Then after awhile, his heart stopped.

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