Chapter 1: The Light

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Why do I always find myself looking into a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel?

Let me explain, my semblance is basically an immunity to death with the exception of old age, and I was currently in the state I call My Abyss, where I just stare into the darkness until the light consumes me, which doesn't take long in real time, but feels like an hour to me.

As I'm in this position, I'll take the time to introduce myself to you all.

My name is Roderick Bolton, but no one knows that, people just call me Blood Print, because usually in a fight, I'll leave some blood behind, mainly because I probably died there.

My weapons are a pair of karambit knives that turn into grappling hooks, very easy to get around with them, and quite useful in close quarters combat. You already know my semblance, so don't bother asking about that.

My appearance? Long unkept red hair that reaches the bottom of my shoulder blades, Dark blue eyes, a slight tan, a bunch of scars over my body and stitch marks over both my cheeks, because a more recent opponent of mine carved a smile into my cheeks, called it a Mistral Smile or something.

...I learnt about my semblance when I was 5, I fell out of my treehouse and landed on my neck and died. That's when my dad told me about it, he studied Semblance's and had come across this sort of thing before. Apparently Semblance's are an extension of ones personality...I wanted to die.

I came out of My Abyss and saw my target, a male moose Faunus named Lyson White, looting me, so I grabbed one of my knives and stuck it in his throat, shocking and killing him. I pushed the guy off of me and pulled it out, then wiped it on my jeans.

I quickly got to the now dead persons body and started looting. I grabbed his wallet and just took the lien and threw the wallet away. I found his weapons, which were a pair of hunting knives that turned into revolvers, I decided that I would keep those in case i ever needed a gun.

I grabbed his trench coat after I was done, I put it on and it was perfect for me, it was black and went to my ankles.

I stood up straight and looked around, seeing my usual blood print, so that meant my work was done, all I needed was my payment and I was golden.

I felt my face, I had a new scar on my jaw. Where I got stabbed prior to dying. I adjusted my new coat and began walking to retrieve my payment.

Move over Morpheus, that's how you start a story.


No matter how I look at it, I am still in so much pain. I still burn.

I was in my bedroom sitting on my bed with my sheets over me, I was too embarrassed to even allow this to be seen by anyone. The fact that the girl with the silver eyes defeated me was bad enough, but she had to significantly hurt me in the process.

I stayed like that for hours, crying in my underwear. I didn't want a single person to see me like this, ever.

I heard knocking at my door, it was light and reclusive, so I knew it was Emerald, regardless though, I didn't respond.

"Cinder? I've got some information for you...Lady Salem said you would like it..." She said. I didn't respond, I didn't want my injured voice to be heard.

I heard her slip something under my door and leave after a minute or two, not that I really cared...I didn't care about anything anymore...

Regardless, curiosity got the better of me and I stood up with my sheets still wrapped around me, then walked over to the paper that Emerald slipped under the door.

"Blood Print?.....cant die?...." I'll admit, I was fairly interested in this person, I didn't even know his name.


My scars represent the pain I've felt in my past, the memories I carry in the present and the person I become in the future.

I was in my tent with my kimono on the floor, just feeling all my scars. I've earned a lot through all my battles, and I wouldn't give up a single one, they all tell a story, whether it be negative or positive isn't known, because no one ever asks how I got them.

I heard the doors to my tent open, so I pulled my kimono on in my own time, as I knew that my tent was one with more than one room, and walked out to the person that entered. A young deer Faunus girl, probably 15.

"What is it little one?" I asked her, she saw me and immediately ran to me.

"Miss Branwen! My father's dead!" She said, I only now noticed that she had tears coming down her face at a heavy pace.

"Hey hey hey, come on, none of're strong, I'm sure your father would be proud..." I told her as I crouched to her height. She hugged me and I hugged back. This was one of my favourite things to do as the leader of the Branwen Tribe, comfort the kids after a parent or even both parents die.

"What was your father's name?" I asked her as I ran my hand through her hair.

"L-Lyson...Lyson White..." She told me, now calming down a bit, I knew the name, he was one of my best.

"I'm sorry little your mother okay?" I asked her, to which I felt her shake her head. Orphaned at 15.

"Alright...I'm going to take you to a place where there are a lot more people like you, Okay?" I told her, she nodded and I felt her grab my hand, so I stood up and led her to a DIY orphanage, except this was actually decent.

Lyson was the fourth this week and it's only Wednesday, he's at least the 60th this month. Whoever it was killing all my men and women, I swear to Oum, they are next.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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