The story of Attack on Titan centers around the adventures of Eren Yeager, his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman, and their friend Armin Arlert. After the wall which protects Eren's hometown is breached by Titans, including the 60-meter skinless Colossus Titan and the abnormally intelligent Armored Titan, a young Eren suffers the death of his mother at the hands of a Titan. Once Eren and his friends are evacuated from the district to safety, he vows revenge against all Titans and later enlists in the military, accompanied by Mikasa and Armin. After a period of grueling training, the three elect to join the Survey Corps which would allow them to leave the safety of the walls and fight the Titans one-on-one. Following graduation, the three are positioned in District Trost which juts out into the Titan-infested lands of Wall Maria. However, they are surprised by the sudden appearance of the Colossus Titan which breaches the wall as it did to Eren's hometown 5 years prior.
During the ensuing battle with Titans, Eren is devoured by one of the Titans before Armin's eyes, seemingly dead. Later an intelligent Titan appears that begins fighting the other Titans instead of harming humans, and this Titan is soon discovered to be Eren, having developed the ability to transform into a Titan at will. Though he is seen as a threat to mankind, many others, including those within the Survey Corps, see Eren's ability as a ray of hope in the fight against the Titans. He is soon placed in the Special Operations Squad led by Lance Corporal Levi to attempt to seal the Walls once more, as more mysteries arise. Others are discovered to be able to transform into Titans, with several seeking Eren for some unknown purpose. The Walls themselves seem to be hiding something from the populace, as is the royal family and the Military Police who also need Eren to keep him from causing an uprising, as well as his friend Krista Lenz, who is also central to the political turmoil.
This anime is so freaking cool ... kaso lang ala pa yung season 2
2 weeks na ata akong naghihintay para sa season 2 kasi sabi nila sa july 26 daw ilalabas
Maganda sya kala ko nga pangit nung kasi hindi ko naman sya pinapanood tapos nung napanood ko boom titan xD
na astigan ako kelan eren kahit medyo naguguluhan parin kung saan nanggaling ung mga titan .(kasi hindi ko binasa ung manga).
Guys go watch Attack on titan hindi kayo magsisi pagginawa nyo yun.
What to watch?
Mystery / ThrillerAnime na alam naming magugustuhan ninyo dahil nagustuhan namin ^_^ No all rights reserved."The Anime's" All right reserved "Opinions of the Writers" xD