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Swara get's 9:00 in the dad is waking me up.I opened my eyes and saw my dad's face.everyday I used to see my dad's face in the feels like boost up for me.
SWARA it's already late still you are sleeping see my dad said. are late today you did not came to its your mistake not mine.I said.Dad smiled and said ok princess now go and get ready otherwise you will miss the class he said.
I quickly jumped from bed to freshen up after that I am in way to dining room my mom is calling me.
Swara come down and have breakfast.again she is late today see because of you and your pampering she became like mom is arguing with dad.
I went to table took some paratas and rushed hurriedly from my house as it is too late and my friend jyothi also waiting for me.I settled on her scooty.

Jyothi-Arey chubby people sit on scooty but you are jumping yaar how can I handle?

Swara-Jyothi why you are saying like that I lost 1kg on last month didn't you remember and by controlling my diet I will definitely come to your move fast time to go.

Now we are in college every girl in college looking at parking I went there to see whom it is?and there he comes Ansh aka Mr.Handsome in whole college.every girl's dream boy.I know him since childhood as we studied in same school.I also like him.but why he will see me.I looked at myself.he is tall 6'1, handsome and fit but I am 5'4,not so beautiful as other girls in college and the biggest fact is I am little fat.not little,morethan that my Sub conscious mind told me.
Later we left to classes.all boys are surrounded to diya.diya is one of my friend.she looks beautiful so all boys are drooling at her.but she is not at all intrested because she likes ansh. We three sat in one bench ansh also came to class.all are starring at him.soon the class started.
After finishing of lecture I was about to go but ansh called me.

Ansh: swara I need to talk to you in private.

Then by hearing this jyothi said to swara that she will wait in parking area.

Swara: what you want to talk ansh? Let me guess....about DIYA right??

Ansh: How do you know?I mean I did not say anything and I not even talk to you eventhough we are studying in same class since childhood.

Swara: i know because i caught you many times while you are starring at you want me to help right??

Ansh: omg swara you are such a brilliant girl.(he pinched her cheeks.) Yes I want your help because...I am friend of diya right completed by swara.
Ansh smiled at her.and raised his hand to friends....I know you may think I am being friend to you because of diya but no..not at all I genuinely want to be your friend.
After listening to his words she felt like she is on cloud nine.her childhood crush is asking her to be friend....
She shooked her hand and said friends to him.

After that they left class.swara went to jyothi.she is her best she shared everything that had happened the discussion between her and ansh.

Jyothi: are you mad? Girl you like him.and you are helping in making up with others...seriously??

Swara: exactly yaar.I like him but he loves some one.if  our loved ones are happy with some one else then we should be happy because we like them......

Jyothi: yaar I am unable to understand your knowledge about likes

In this conversation they drove to swara's house Okk atleast be on time tomorrow byee chubby....


Swara: after the class at afternoon.I am going to canteen with jyothi.jyothisaid that she forgot her mobile in she went back to bring her mobile.when I headed to canteen one familiar voice came from behind. I turned to see it was ansh.

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