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Oakleaf Academy had killed any glimmer of life a long time ago. But nestled on the very edge of the grounds, sat a rundown old greenhouse, disused for years, haunted with the ghosts of ancient memories.

The creaky floorboards had nails poking out and the shelves distributed splinters if you weren't careful, but it was the one place nobody ever stepped foot in. Old plant pots lined the walls, nothing inside but a coating of dust while weeds crept through every crack. The glass above glinted dully in the sun, obscured by the coating of grime built up on each surface.

And occasionally, it was where Kit and Quinn went to fuck.

They were sat side by side, Quinn's head resting on Kit's shoulder, using the boy's blazer to keep himself warm (Quinn had forgotten his own). "Is it bad that I don't wanna go home?" Quinn murmured, his voice monotone and sad, muffled by his position.

"You're such a spoiled rich kid." Kit rolled his eyes. "What's so terrible about returning to your mansion for warm meals and your very own Butler?"

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that said mansion is full of people that hate me."

"See, that's the type of thing that makes people dislike you." Kit snickered. "You use words like said in such a weird context."

Quinn elbowed him in the side, though his laughter didn't cease. "You looking forward to going home for half term?"

"Don't have a home." Kit shrugged, "My parents got rid of me early on. I'll probably end up here for the week."

Quinn froze, then shuffled around to face Kit properly, "Come home with me."


"I mean it. Come home with me."


"No, don't think that. It doesn't mean we're in love, or I want you to meet my parents or anything. Honest." He spewed hastily. "I just want you to come home with me."

Kit stared at him unblinkingly, trying to figure out the meaning behind his words, "Why?"

"Because I can't be alone with these people, Christopher! We can be friends, alright? I can just say you had nowhere else to go; it's the truth, right?"

"Well...yeah, technically, but-"

"Please." Quinn begged, crawling into his lap and straddling his waist.

Kit peeked up at the pleading boy through heavy lashes, watching the desperation painted across his face with such longing. But it was an offer he couldn't refuse. A week with Starr in a fancy mansion and clean sheets? He would be an idiot to say no. "Okay."

Quinn's eyes lit up, a wide grin spreading across his face.

And he kissed him.

And it was the first time they'd ever kissed, for a purpose other than sex.

Their lips were attached for a short three seconds before Quinn recognised his mistake and frantically pulled away, his large eyes trained on Kit's lips. "I-I don't...I'm sorry."

"I really wish you hadn't done that." Kit struggled to force the words out through gritted teeth, resisting every urge to tackle Quinn to the dirty ground and rip his clothes off all over again.

"I know, I didn't mean-"

"'Cause now I wanna kiss you back."

Quinn paused, his face falling into a blank, unreadable expression. He was aware that they had been growing closer and closer recently, but he tried his hardest to brush it off. If he speculated about the meaning behind Kit's change of heart, he would inevitably drive himself crazy. But Kit was practically spelling it out for him, and yet, Quinn couldn't let himself believe that he actually meant it. That would be too devastatingly heartbreaking.

Oakleaf Academy For BoysWhere stories live. Discover now