6 Days Later

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"Dan, honey, it's Dr. Gresson"
Serena put the phone on speaker.
"Hello" she nervously squealed into the phone.
"This is Miss van der Woodsen correct?" Dr. Gresson asked.
"Yes, this is She"
"I'm sorry Miss van der Woodsen but we have some unfortunate news to share."
Dan reaches for Serena's hand and she reluctantly grasped her hand in his.
"You and your husband are both extremely fertile... on your own, however the mix of your cells is repellent and unlikely to produce an embryo, I'm sorry but it is unlikely the two of you will be able to have children," the doctor explained.
Serena burst into tears while Dan softly comforted her.
"Thank you Dr. Gresson" Serena choked out.
"Don't forget there are other ways Miss van der Woodsen, it is unfortunate for whatever caused this, often times if the husband and wife are not in a state of happiness this occurs, are you and your husband ok?"
"Are you saying if me and Dan work out our issues we could have a child?"
"It cannot be reversed but if you guys are happy, you can take one of the sourest lemons this world has and turn it into sweet lemonade," he said.
"Thank you so much for the phone call Doctor Gresson," Serena pushed out between sobs. Before Dr. Gresson could say anything else, Serena hung up the phone.
Dan's cell phone rang, when Serena glanced at who was calling she exited to the front door.
"Serena wait," Dan called.
"Dan, I need some air, don't follow me," she screamed.
The voice on the phone spoke,"Hey Dan is this a bad time?"
He responded,"No actually I could really use someone to talk to."
"What was that all about?" she asked referring to Serena's outburst.
That's when he told her everything that had gone down in the past few minutes.
"Dan... i'm so sorry" she sympathized.
Though Dan was not nearly as upset at Serena, after all he still could have kids... just not with Serena.
"Enough about me," Dan said,"How are you, How's Cody?"
"Well actually Cody and I broke up," she said.
"What? Wasn't it your 2 year anniversary last week?" Dan asked.
"Yeah... I broke up with him because he stopped buying me flowers, he stopped complimenting me, he stopped... caring, he forgot our anniversary and that was the last straw," she explained.
"I'm so sorry," Dan told her.
"I'll be alright" she said.
Dan and his mysterious friend continued to talk until something unexpected came about.
She dialed the number she had memorized. She waited patiently as the phone rang until...
"Hi, you have reached Blair Bass, please leave a message and i'll get back to you... that is if I actually like you."
Serena left her voicemail,"Hey B, when you can could you just please uh just call me please I really need you"
Her voicemail. Great. Blair was the only one Serena went to, her only friend that she could talk to about Dan. It was hard when she didn't answer, she decided to call Chuck to see if Blair was around. Then she heard,"I'm Chuck Bass and I am not available to answer this call please leave your name and we will figure out negotiations later."
"Chuck it's Serena just tell Blair to call me thanks," she said.
She was not going to call Eric, her usual second choice, because he was on his honeymoon, Jenny was obviously not an option, her mother, oh she wished she could call her mother. But her life was taken way too young. None of her adult friends knew her well enough to well care. She sighed got back in the car and drove home. To her surprise, when she arrived, Dan was not home, no note, no text, no call, he was just... gone.

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