Set One Winner: Get Messed Up

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Whatpad Name: Blehgirl23

Tittle: Get Messed Up

Genera(s): Teen-fiction

Personal Message to the Audinece:

I have put a lot of hard work into this book and it is one of my best works. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much I did writing it. 

P.S- You're beautiful <3 


Cassidy James had the perfect life every teenager wanted. The rich parents, the best friends, the boyfriend, the media publicity and what not. She had it all. And she loved being that perfect little girl of the very famous business man. At least she thought she loved it. Until she met Dawson. The day she met him, her life took a wild turn and she wasn't the perfect little Cassidy James anymore. She was messed up. What was even more surprising was that she chose to get messed up. 

Chapter One: 

Just when you think you know the future, and you know it better than anything else in your life, it changes. And then you are left with two choices. Your decision can change everything you think you are or just leave you standing there trembling, not moving. You can let it go or you can take it. You can stand there waiting for the worst to happen or you can step forward into the unknown and wait in anticipation. I guess what you decide is not always what you want but probably just what you need. And I needed change. I desperately needed change. Not that I didn’t absolutely adore my life, because I did. The parties, rich parents, straight A’s, best friends and a perfect boyfriend. It was all there. It’s just that I didn’t  know what I was missing out on and I didn’t know I needed change until it was thrown into my face.

So there I stood, actually there I sat on the bed with a kidnapper standing a feet away from me, smirking obviously. It would be very obvious to you too if you just spent 10 minutes with that guy. That obnoxious smirk just irritated the life out of me. He wasn’t like those scary kidnappers you see in movies. He was incredibly and insanely hot and an arrogant jackass. I still don’t know if he was actually there to kidnap me or to fulfill a stupid teenage desire. Because the moment he stepped into my room he removed the black mask or whatever he was wearing and literally asked me if wanted to be kidnapped.


“So babe, I’m supposed to kidnap you but I am going to give you choice. You can choose to be kidnapped or you can continue to live your so called perfect life. But you would definitely miss out on a lot if you chose to stay.”  were his first words with a smirk of course.

That scared the living daylights out of me. I was alone at home that day like all other days. My parents always had meetings or parties to attend and they never found time for me. They told me they loved me every single day and treated me like a princess every day. They just weren’t there all the time and I was okay with it because I knew they loved me and would want the best for me.

Anyway, I had no idea there was someone in the house, let alone in my room. So, when I heard a voice disrupting the perfect tune of my music, I jumped out of my bed and stared at him as if he had two heads. I mean I didn’t really know what to do in that situation.

I was just sitting on my bed in my shorts and a tank top and listening to music like a normal teenage girl in moment and in the other a freaking kidnapper was standing a few feet away from me.

My first thoughts were to scream at him and kick him out but somewhere on the inside this idea of being kidnapped just sounded so much more fascinating than going to high class parties and faking smiles to the most annoying people on this planet. I honestly hated being the good girl for the press but I had to do it anyway because it helped my parents’ reputations and their business. Other than that I loved my life. At least that’s what I thought then.

Maybe I wanted to escape that life. I just didn’t know I wanted to.

“Babe, I’m getting late. Are you coming?”

“WHAT?” seriously, WHAT? Was that guy even for real?

“Ow, don’t scream there’s no one in your house anyway, so if that’s a little trick of calling people in here, it’s not going to work. And I am not going to drag you out or put a gun to your head or even threaten your parents for money because that is just not my style. So  are you coming?”

“Are you insane or something? Are you even a kidnapper? I don’t know much about them but I sure as hell know that this is not how you kidnap someone. And what is wrong with you? Why would I just leave a perfect life with best parents and a perfect boyfriend and runaway with some annoying creep who claims to be a kidnapper but behaves nothing like it! Seriously? Like SERIOUSLY THAT WOULD BE SO MESSED UP”

More than questioning him, I was actually questioning myself because I was totally starting to consider running away with him and I wasn’t sure if that was the sane mind thinking. I was practically screaming at myself than at him and I ended up just a few inches away from him. He was quite tall with extremely messy blonde hair which looked like it was kept so perfectly messy and his blue eyes that were boring straight into my green eyes. I could see something so much more deep beneath the careless teenager he seemed to be but again like everything else I wasn’t sure.

“Woah, woah don’t get ahead of yourself girly. Firstly, I am an insanely hot and sexy kidnapper and you will never again get an opportunity like this. And you should be ecstatic that I am even giving you a chance to come with me. secondly, little princess, your life is everything but perfect. I can see right into you and I can see you dying to get out of this so called perfect life of yours. The perfect little Cassidy James that you pretend to be to the world just doesn’t work for me. Your scars and the pain you try to block out are clearly visible to me. You carry it with you and you can’t change that. Be insane for once, pick change here. And about it being messed up, darling, you need to get a little messed up before you can actually step up. And I am giving you a chance to mess up here. So take it.”

It just seemed so strange to hear wise words from some creepy guy who ended up in my bedroom at 2 in the night. I didn’t know if I should trust him. Frankly speaking I didn’t know anything that night. If you asked me what my name was I would have probably said “I don’t know” because that is how confused I was.

Just for one fraction of a second I was absolutely sure that I wanted change. The idea of running away just ignited that courage that confidence inside me. All teenagers do stupid things and go to stupid parties and all teenagers mess up. It was just that I was never given a chance to. I was Cassidy James the daughter of William James. My life was like an open book to the media and I was always supposed to have the ‘good girl’ behavior on. Somewhere in my life I took up that façade and it eventually became who I was or probably wasn’t. You know how just for one millisecond you feel like you want to try something completely different and something so bloody complicated? Well, that was exactly how I felt and before I could let my subconscious mind stop me, I filled my small black bag with random things and threw it over my shoulder. I was ready to go. Without thinking, without analyzing the situation, I decided to go and be insane for once. What was going to happen was out of my hand anyway, so I decided to add a wild turn to my life and to see where it takes me. I stepped into the unknown.

The words that next left my mouth made me feel more confident than ever and they changed my life. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse but they did certainly bring change.

 “Let’s get messed up.” I said as I walked out the door and heard hurried footsteps follow me.

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