Ep. 3

129 13 3

-Lee Daehwi-

It's been 6-7 years since my mom had past away. Exactly on my birthday she had to leave. I hate myself because I didn't have enough time to study nor get enough sleep. Early morning, I was already struggling to get out of bed. Once my body adjusted after waking up, I freshen up and wore my school uniform. I grabbed the red scarf that my mom handed to me as a last gift. I been treasuring this so I wouldn't forget her, I ran out of the house making sure I go to that one place. I arrived at the cemetery, I looked for my mom's name on the gravestone. I stood there, holding my tears.

"Eomma! How's it going there? Are they treating you well?" I said knowing I won't get any response.

"Ma, I miss you so much. Ever since the day you let go of me. I was left out by a lot of students. They all had their parents and I'm only here alone. I'll be fine, no matter how much I hated you for leaving me on my birthday today, I'll still love you.." I looked at my watch and noticed school was about to start. "Ma, I must go now. I'll be back soon. I love you and missed you." I said as tears rolled down my face and onto the ground.

I left the cemetery and walked to school alone. The school wasn't far so I didn't really came in late. I take that back, as I walked through the school gate, the bell rung. I ran to class by mean going up the stairs and heading into class. I opened the door, luckily class haven't fully start. I noticed a group of boys standing today, couple of them were sitting with them. I walked past them but one of them had their foot sticking out which caused me to fall. I got back up quickly and noticed the group was laughing at me. I ignored them and headed to back of the class where my seat is taken place. Once everyone settled down the teacher was passing out the test we took. I've been hoping my grade wasn't that bad, knowing how lazy I am and how distracted I can get. Going through memories of me playing video games, most of the times I was slacking the time of study. Once the teacher returned the paper back to me, I saw the grade on the top right. A 37 on this quiz, my hopes dropped big time. Knowing that I can't be able to pass this year if I don't make up for the failing grade and continue to pass the others. I don't see myself doing all that, I got frustrated and waited till school ended.



The dismissal bell had rung, I was walking out of the school building along with everyone else. As I got out, the weather was rainy, forgetting about the weather I didn't bring anything with me to cover myself from the rain. I didn't have much time to think, I hurried and exit the school gate. While running, I dropped my red scarf from my mom, I tried to retrieve it but the crowd around me kept pushing me away from it. After countless of times of pushing and shoving, I got past the crowd and retrieved the dropped object. I held onto it tighter now, I walked down the same direction with my head hanging low. My hair is soaking wet just from the event itself. As I was walking, I noticed the rain stopped pouring on me. I looked up and a older guy holding the umbrella between the both of us.

-Bae Jinyoung-

Waking up in my own mansion feels nice, it was a nice sunny morning. I headed downstairs after freshening up. My maid was walking around finding any hiding dust to clean up.

"Minhyun, it's okay. Take a break." I said and he obeyed.

"How long do you plan on living alone? You know you gotta find someone to keep you company as well." He asked me.

I only shrugged off the thoughts then head to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and do my little magic which creates food for me from the fridge over to the stove. During the cooking process, I got myself a water bottle. After drinking half way through the bottle, the food was done. Of course myself not feeling hungry, I left it there for Minhyun if he's hungry. The bell rung, I waited on the couch till the door opened.

"Wah! Uncle Jinyoung!" I heard the little boy's voice.

I got up to see little Lai Kuan Lin running up to me. He gave me a big hug while I patted his head softly. I looked at his father, Kang Daniel, he was of course look young but he is an elder. I remember the first day that Daniel take Kuan Lin into his family since he came to Korea alone leaving his own family back in Taipei. I noticed Kuan Lin was holding a golden coin.

"Can I see this?" I kneeled and pointed at the coin.

Being the boy he is, he nodded and let the coin faced heads up on my palm. I cover the coin with my fingers and flipped it around couple of times. I opened my hand showing the kid real gold bar. With Daniel looking at me with a shock look, I can only smirk and do the magic trick again making it in a golden coin.

"Wah! Uncle Jinyoung is so cool!" He said in half broken Korean.

"Daniel, his Korean is getting better." I said remembering the last time he spoke to me.

"Yes, he's been trying hard to study and learn." He responded with a smile appear.

My watch beep signalling me there are other schedules I have to do. I patted the boy last time and inform them that I got to go do business. I got into my formal business suit before leaving the house. The weather now was getting darker as the clouds came aboard. I grabbed my umbrella and opened it up as it begin to pour.

I arrived by a school, I just got finished up doing my lone time. I saw a high school boy trying to shove past the crowd in front of him. He picked up a similar red scarf then started walking down my direction. He didn't have anything to cover himself from the rain. I started walking towards him making the both of us meet the middle. As he stopped moving, I stopped as well. Staring down at the younger boy as he lift his face to meet mines. We stayed under the rain for a while staring at each other.

"Where did you get that scarf from.?" I said breaking the silent atmosphere.

"This scarf, it was my mom's last birthday gift. She died 7 years ago on my birthday." He responded and I can see his expression softened.

I remembered resurrecting a woman that was wearing a red scarf that night. She was pregnant too, I assumed she was about to give labour after recovering.

"May I escort you somewhere.?" I asked.

"N-No, I'm fi-"

"I insist mister..?"

"Lee, Lee Daehwi." He said.

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