chapter one: note the sarcasm.

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I’M BACK MOFOS! aha sorry ‘bout that ^.^ anyways here’s the sequel to Feelings Don’t Fade Away (: since it was short and terrible I decided I’d make this one longer and (hopefully) not as terrible! …yeah I’m probably going to fail at that attempt but that’s okay because you guys love me anyways :D


Liam and Danielle walk hand-in-hand towards the school building, smiling like idiots at each other. If I were in a better mood I might have smiled and admitted to myself that they are down-right adorable, but I’m not in a better mood. I just want to punch everyone and everything.

Niall and Harry appear next, their hands also linked together. I’m surprised Harry’s cheeks aren’t sore from smiling so much. Ever since he and Niall got together a month ago that’s all he’s done is smile. Niall too, although he smiled a lot to begin with.

Andy and Josh have both gotten girlfriends as well and are probably ditching school to spend the day with them. I, on the other hand, am sitting beside the fountain in front of the school, sulking about like always. My hair is styled in its usual quiff and I’m wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a simple white t-shirt and black converse. My backpack is sitting beside me and I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket but I ignore it. I don’t want to talk to anyone.

“Malik?” An angelic voice hits my ears and I turn to see the speaker. It’s Louis Tomlinson, clad in suspenders and stripes like always.

“Tomlinson,” I reply. He stares at me quizzically, turns to look at Harry and Niall, and then looks back at me.

“Seems like you’re having the same problem I am,” He sighs. I raise an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” I ask. “I don’t have a problem.” Despite the fact that our best friends are now dating, I don’t trust myself around Louis. Freshman year was the first time I really looked at him, like really looked at him. He was stunning, perfect, outgoing, and happy- everything I wished I was. Years later, now, he’s the same. If not, he’s even more gorgeous than he was back then. Even more perfect.

“Please,” Louis scoffs. “You’re absolutely miserable, just like me.”

“Am not,” I snap. “I have friends.”

“Where are they?” Louis raises an eyebrow at me. “Harry? He’s with my best friend, sucking his face off. Danielle? She’s with my other friend, most likely sucking his face off. Andy and Josh? They’re with their girlfriends-”

“Yeah, I get it,” I look at the ground. “Sucking their faces off.”

“And then there’s you and me,” Louis sighs sadly as if he’s upset that we’re the last two. That hurts a little bit.

“Look, I don’t have time for you or your-”

“Bullshit, I know,” Louis laughs. “We’ve been going over that every day since homecoming. Move on, get a new line, something! I’m getting bored over here.”

It’s absolutely annoying, the way he’s right. I have been using that line since homecoming. It’s not my fault. I’ve spent so much of my time thinking about him that I haven’t had the time to come up with a better argument as to why I shouldn’t be bothered by him. Honestly, I’m fangirling on the inside right now. He’s talking to me out of his own free will.

“What do you want?” I ask, knowing I should just get his newest reason for talking to me out of the way as quickly as possible.

“I’m lonely,” Louis mumbles, sitting down beside me. “How do you handle it?”

“Handle what?” I ask, holding my breath. I know it seems like I’m being an arrogant prick but he smells so damn good and he’s really close and if I breathe in I’m going to lose all my control.

“Being lonely,” Louis grabs onto my arm, the contact of his fingertips on my skin sending electric sparks through my entire body. My heartbeat begins to race and I try to ignore the urge to grab him and smash my lips to his right here in front of everyone.

“I’m not lonely,” I manage out, my breath still being held. I need oxygen but he’s too close. Dammit, I need air. I take a small breath and almost pass out. “What cologne are you wearing?”

“Old Spice ‘Swagger’,” Louis smiles sheepishly. God that shit smells amazing. It’s not like I could tell him that though.

“You put way too much on,” I say, pushing my backpack to the left and scooting away from Louis, his hands dropping from my shoulder. I know, I seem like a douche, but if I let him know just how much of an affect he has on me, things could turn disastrous. Louis mumbles something under his breath that I don’t quite catch. “What?”

“I said,” He stands, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Never mind then, I’ll just go find someone else to suffocate with my stench.” With that, he stomps away.

I watch Louis as he storms towards the school building. Niall calls out to him, detaching himself from Harry’s face long enough to notice Lou’s presence. Louis simply flips him off and then disappears inside. Harry turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow at me. I shrug and stare at my shoes.

I know that Harry is going to text me later when he’s hanging out with Niall. While Niall’s in the kitchen getting food he’ll have Harry text me and ask me what happened. And I’ll reply with the same response I do every time. I don’t know. I act like a complete dick to him and I know that. It’s just…I’m doing it for him. I’m not good enough for him.

The school bell rings and I drag myself to my feet. I have Calculus with Louis first period and we sit next to each other. This should go over well.

Note the sarcasm.

Keep Holding On [Zouis Tomlik Love] [Sequel to Feelings Don't Fade Away]Where stories live. Discover now