chapter two: calculus.

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I entered Feelings Don’t Fade Away in the 1DirectionAwards because writergirl98 told me to…lol so I figured I’d just let you guys know about that (: and my bromance one-shots are open again because I’m bored out of my mind lol so go request! Go! Hurry! Run! ...why is no one listening to me? :( …wow I need a life ^.^ here’s chapter two <3


I take my time at my locker, trying to delay seeing Louis. He’ll be fine by now but it still hurts me knowing that I pissed him off. He’ll act like he’s fine and he won’t say anything but I’ll be able to see the hurt in his eyes. He’ll sneak a glance at me every few minutes just to see if I care and I’ll act like I don’t. I’ll keep my eyes locked on the teacher, pretending that I’m checking her out. Then the bell will ring and Louis will be out the door and away from me before I can tell him to stay.

The bell rings and the halls are now empty. All the students have made their ways to class except for me. I sigh and close my locker before resting my forehead against it. The classroom where I have Calculus is on the other side of the building and, if I play it right, it’ll be at least five minutes before I get there. Five minutes before-

“Zayn,” Louis’s voice hits my ears. “Mrs. Pratt wants you in class now. She sent me and my stench to come get you.” With that he turns on his heel and starts to walk away, his shoulders slumped, his hands in the pockets of his red skinny jeans. He’s wearing a white t-shirt with red stripes and white TOMs. For some reason he took his suspenders off. He has his glasses though, so it’s not a total loss for me.

By the time I stop eye-raping him he’s turned the corner and I have to run to catch up to him. Well, not totally up to him. I keep a few feet in between us for my sake, and for his. We’re halfway to the classroom by now and I find myself slowing my pace. I stop moving completely in the center of the hallway. Louis continues walking and disappears around the corner again. It takes him a few moments, though to me it feels like years, before he realizes that I’m not following him anymore.

His head peeks back around the corner, his light brown sex hair sticking up in all directions, the fringe falling down in front of his eyes. I drop my Calculus textbook and notebook to the ground and just stare at him. I don’t know how much longer I can keep denying this to myself.

“Zayn, this really is not the time to act like a douche and make everyone’s lives miserable,” Louis snaps, his whole body coming into view. He walks until he’s a few feet in front of me, his hands still in his pockets. My hands are balled into fists at my sides. “Mrs. Pratt wants us back in class and, honestly, I want to be back too. I know you hate being alone with me, but the sooner you decide to cooperate and just follow me-”

“No,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at him, my jaw set with determination. I watch him carefully. I’ve got to make him hate me, that’s the only way. I have to piss him off, he’ll leave and then I can spend the rest of the day in my room staring at old yearbook photos of him being downright goofy and adorable.

“What?” Louis looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have. I haven’t exactly been acting rational ever since he came waltzing into my life once Harry and Niall got together. Maybe I am going crazy. Crazy for Louis Tomlinson.

“No,” I say, looking him dead in the eyes. “I’m not going.”

“Yes, you are,” Lou snaps. I smirk.

“Make me,” I sneer. One moment Louis is five feet away from me, his hands in his pockets, and the next thing I know he’s gripping the collar of my shirt, shoving me against the locker. I never realized just how strong he was; how strong he is.

“Don’t play games with me, Malik,” He growls, his eyes dark with loathing. “I may have to tolerate you for Niall’s sake, but Niall isn’t here. Don’t test me. Because next time, there will be consequences.”

Louis releases me and then storms back down the hall and is gone before I can blink. What the hell just happened? Louis has never been violent, and he’d been about to kill me just then. All I could feel was the waves of pure anger rolling off his body like a tsunami. And where did that come from? He only tolerates me for Niall’s sake? What did that mean?

“Zayn?” I look up to see Niall walking down the hall.

“What are you doing in the hall?” I ask. He shrugs.

“Needed to grab something from my locker,” He says. “Why are you leaning against the locker? And why are your books all the way over here?”

“Why does Louis hate me?” I ask, ignoring his questions. Niall sighs.

“He doesn’t hate you,” He answers at last. “Louis is just mad that you and Harry did so much shit to me and I’ve let you guys back into my life without questioning it. Every time he looks at you he sees the guy who called him gay and made him cry himself to sleep at night for being the way he is.”

“Wait…he’s really gay?” I say. Niall freezes.

“Damn he didn’t want anyone to know…” Niall looks at me, pleading with his eyes. “Please, don’t tell anyone or give him too much hate for it. He hates himself because of you.”

“When did he…realize it?” I ask, avoiding Niall’s gaze.

“Um…I don’t really know…” Niall says, more to himself then to me. “I found out after you gave him a particularly good harassment. He was sitting on the curb crying and I asked him why he was crying and he said, ‘Because one more person hates me for who I am. How can I love myself when everyone, especially him, hates me?’” Niall sighs. “I never asked him why you hurt him more than anyone else. He can take it from random people on the street but when you say it, it’s like his entire world falls apart.”

Niall’s phone beeps and he says goodbye. He and Harry are ditching and he’s leaving to meet his boyfriend out front. I, on the other hand, have begun to feel extremely light-headed and dizzy. My breath is starting to come in short pants and the hall is starting to spin. I’m vaguely aware of someone calling my name. I see the flash of red stripes and blue eyes.

And then everything goes black.

Keep Holding On [Zouis Tomlik Love] [Sequel to Feelings Don't Fade Away]Where stories live. Discover now