Chapter One: Life Of The Party

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Shawn had always loved these charity events. People from all over the world gathered to support the same cause. In a world where kindness and unity were certainly lacking, it was wonderful to feel such camaraderie and peace in a room.

Shawn and his Manager Andrew took their seats at one of the many round tables. Shawn scanned the name cards to get an idea of who would be joining them later on. There were six other seats situated around the table, and Shawn only realized one name. The others he assumed were journalists or social activists. He was excited to meet them and hear their opinions and stories concerning world hunger.

Shawn had always been good about keeping things to himself. Especially his political opinions. He was always listening, always learning, but he felt that most of the time it was best for him to avoid certain topics. Lately however, he had begun to realize just how big of a platform he really had. It wasn't like the Magcon days when his audience was small and he was portrayed as just a teenage boy trying to make some videos. Now, after releasing three albums, traveling on two world tours, and writing and producing for other artists, he was faced with the fact that he now had a world wide audience of all ages. His opinion mattered to them, he was part of the industry that formed peoples views, and he knew he needed to use that to its full advantage.

As more and more people filed into the room, Shawn was pulled every which way and being introduced to more people than he could remember. Celebrities, activists, locals, and politicians made their rounds to say hello to Shawn. He was introduced to the people who were to sit with him. One of the social activists that he greeted with a handshake was named Lydia Earhart. She introduced herself as a political science major. She was currently studying in Japan in a study abroad program. What really stood out about her was the fact that she was so young, yet so aware of the world and the things that needed to be done to aid the world's people. They were soon interrupted by more strangers coming to say hello to Shawn and eventually the event officially began. Shawn was curious about Lydia, and he hoped he'd have another chance to talk to her later on.

As the night continued, several people spoke on the dire situation which was world hunger, funds were raised to support the cause, and a sense of community fell upon the room. The event was almost over and Shawn had yet to start another conversation with Lydia. He mustered the courage, told Andrew he'd be back, and walked over to the sweets bar where Lydia was examining her options. Apparently she saw Shawn in her peripheral and said, "To indulge in a chocolate covered cheesecake or not to indulge... that is the question." She reached for the slice of cheesecake completely covered in a rich dark chocolate and added it to her impressively full plate of desserts.

"Indulge." Shawn smiled. "Definitely indulge." He continued to stand awkwardly as Lydia grabbed a few more gourmet treats. Soon she turned and looked him up and down. He was still uncomfortable, not having a plan as to what to say or where to take the conversation.

"You don't talk to girls that often huh?" She smirked and started making her way back to the table. "Don't worry, I don't usually bite."

Her statement made Shawn laugh a little as he followed her back. "I mean, I'm just not the best at starting the conversations I guess. Most of the time other people start talking and I just answer the questions."

"Ah I see. Well then, I guess here's a question for you Mr. Mendes. We are at an event supporting and drawing awareness to the issue of world hunger. Something we as western civilization people can't truly comprehend. We don't know what it's like to fall asleep in tears because a hole is burning in our stomachs because we haven't eaten in days. We don't know how to help other than supply money to these people groups who can't fund their own meals. But there are plenty of people who can sign a check and fix that problem. You and I, we're just two drops in a ocean full of people trying to help. So the question is, why does our help matter?"

Lydia began to put her towering dessert plate into a carry out box. Shawn was muted by her speech and her question. She was right however. They were just two insignificant members of a huge society of people supporting this cause. Why was his opinion important and why did his help matter?

Shawn cleared his throat and nervously said, "How about you and I go out for coffee after this, and I can try to give you an answer?" He knew it was a stretch, taking such a heavy question and using it as leverage for a potential date. No one ever said he was the most time and situationally sensitive person.

"It's tempting for sure, but alas I will have to decline. I have a plane to catch. School doesn't slow down and Japan in is a long way from New York. But, here's my card. If you ever find yourself in Japan with nothing to do, give me a call." She winked, grabbed her desserts, and walked away. Shawn sat in awe. It was refreshing, being rejected. But she was probably the last person he would want to be rejected by. He picked up the business card Lydia has slid to him and glanced at the number. A trip to Japan hadn't been on the upcoming schedule, but it would be soon.

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