Life Of The Party: Part Two

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Howdy everyone! Once again, I apologize for falling off the face of the earth. Sometimes life happens and writing becomes sort of a second priority. But nevertheless, I hope y'all enjoy! <3

Lydia's POV//

What an idiot. Maybe if she repeated the phrase to herself enough times, Lydia would truly understand the magnitude of how idiotic she had been at the charity event. She opened her to go container filled with sweets and chose a chocolate covered strawberry to devour. Some way or another, Lydia always found herself here. Regretting her less than satisfactory social interactions and eating.

She had rejected Shawn Mendes. World famous heartthrob Shawn Mendes. He had asked her out for a cup of coffee (a truly harmless offer if ever there was one) and she had deflected her awkwardness in the form of a "too cool for you" attitude. So now she was in a cab on the way to her hotel eating way too many desserts.

It wasn't like she had to be at the airport anytime soon. Her flight wasn't for another seven hours. But for whatever reason, Lydia just didn't have the confidence to say yes. Maybe it was the fact that he was an international celebrity, or that he was a freaking giant, or that the whole situation just seemed a little too good to be true. Whatever her excuse was, it was stupid. And for Pete's sake she had slid him her business card like she was some sort of cars salesman. What must he think of her?

The cab came to a stop and Lydia paid the driver and got out. As she rode the elevator to her suite, she tried to stop shuddering at the memory of her and Shawn's encounter.

Lydia had always been a fan of Shawn's work. She liked his voice and the messages he tried to relay through his songs. And of course he wasn't too hard on the eye either. When she had arrived at the event that night and learned that she would be seated at the same table as Shawn, she tried to convince herself that it wasn't that big of a deal. She was after all surrounded by a multitude of celebrities. What was one more? But there was no use because the light in his eyes and his dazzling white toothed smile killed her every time.

She loved how intently he listened to the different speakers and how humble and gracious he was. He was the life of the party. He was Shawn Mendes. And she, Lydia Earhart, has turned him down. What an idiot

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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