Chapter 15

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You were walking to the Mansion with Koishi and surprisingly Satori. It was the day after Kazuma's and Aqua's adventure in Keele's Dungeon. They meet the guy named Keele and purified him so that he can move on to see his wife or something. You weren't interested in exploring the cave since you wouldn't really be able to move around freely.

Koishi: I haven't been to the mansion that you sometimes live in.

Satori: I didn't even know you lived in a mansion.

(Y/N): It's a nice place. A lot of room and large bath.

Satori: Oh I see... *smirk* planning on taking Orin and my sister into the bath again?

Koishi: *shocked* H-How do you know that?!

Satori: Come now Koishi. You know I can read minds, I may not be able to read your mind, but I can definitely read Orin's. Besides, I already knew something happened when you both came back from that quest with those expressions on your faces.

(Y/N): W-Wait a second! You can read minds?!

Satori: Yes I can... *smirks* Thank you for the complements by the way (Y/N). And the ones for Okuu as well. And don't worry I won't tell the more... indecent ones to anyone.

(Y/N): *blushing* Stop reading my mind! A-Anyway let's get back to where we were going!

Koishi: *blushing* That's right! We were going to hang out at (Y/N)'s house!

Satori: Yes, I remember, but you know (Y/N)... *grabs an arm* if you want we could always be alone.

Koishi: H-Hey! No fair Satori! *grabs the other arm* I saw him first!

Satori: That may be true, but I would like to spend some time with him as well. What do you say (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *thoughts* Well, I could think of worse ways to spend my time than with two cute girls.

Satori: That's the spirit (Y/N). Now let's go.

(Y/N): Damn it. I forgot...


The three of you were walking into the store to see Aqua trying to get a bottle of alcohol from Kazuma. Chomusuke was sitting on Megumin's lap as she turned her attention to you three.

Megumin: Hello (Y/N), Koishi, and uh... who are you?

Satori: My name is Satori Komeiji.

Megumin: It's nice to meet you then.

(Y/N): What are those two fighting over now?

Aqua: Don't! I can't fall asleep if I'm not holding that bottle!

Kazuma: You're making demands like that after burning my tracksuit?!

(Y/N): So that's why.

Kazuma: You ought to go sell that raiment, too!

Aqua: What are you saying?! This raiment is part if my identity as a goddess! There's no way I can sell it! Are you stupid? Why are you being so stupid?! Huh?!

Kazuma: *arm forward* Steal!

The bright light filled the room and once it faded Aqua didn't have her Raiment.

Satori: Are your friends always like this?

(Y/N): Yes they are...

The door slams open and Darkness comes running in wearing a rather expensive dress.

Darkness: Trouble, Kazuma! Major trouble!

Your party gazes at Darkness and there's one question you all ask.

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