Chapter 10

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Welcome to Chapter 10! Double digits is pretty baller. 

Sorry for the slow update again. :/  Swear I'm trying to do better! 

Other information: I will probably move back a little and rewrite the first few chapters at some point. The plot won't change, but I'm not completely happy with them. If you want to reread them, go for it, but it won't be necessary. (Won't happen soon- talking about like end of year or even 2019 stuff.)

Other other information: Chapter titles! Maybe coming, maybe not. I'm not sure, I've never been great with those.

With that out of the way...

Here goes nothing!


Filion read the time off of his wrist implant. It was an hour past when the Avius and her escort were supposed to arrive. R"sota was a few meters away, attempting to reestablish communications.

Jarik was also nearby. He avoided eye contact with the Toreas, intently focusing on the cup of coffee he cradled in his hands. 

Lyise was missing, undertaking the colossal project to effectuate repairs on R"sota's shuttle. So far she had managed to get the automated drones to spot-weld several large sheets of metal over the hull breaches. It was nearly complete enough to retain atmosphere. 

Axion had maintained a geosynchronous orbit above Alru. The devastated planet was visible far below, a constant reminder of the lengths some would go to as to ensure their supremacy.

Over the past few days, Filion had begun to feel the full weight of losing the Lexian and the 450 souls which crewed her. He'd also slowly come to the realization that there were plans in motion which encompassed the Lexian, Aurora Flare, and the myriad of miscellaneous events which had been compressed into the last half week. It was obvious now, once there was a lull in the chaos. The Aurora Flare was in the process of crossing the border between the Assembly and the Caroki Star Union. Whoever caused the disappearance of the Republic vessel and attacked the Lexian clearly didn't want anyone to cross the Union border without their explicit permission, and they had the manpower to do so. And Filion was in no way qualified to investigate any of the events which had, as of now, no explanation. 

Yet the multiverse was stuck in a massive pit of quicksand and didn't seem to be able to pull itself out. The Republic was recovering from their war with the Coalition, and the Prythian Assembly was busy gluing itself together amidst the nation falling apart. That left the Taryian Empire, who had long ago closed their borders to the outside world in favor of an extreme isolationist policy. 

If none of the superpowers would claim responsibility, who was left? The thousands of Free Colonies scattered throughout the vast regions of space unclaimed by any galactic nation were more concerned with their own plethora of issues. Refueling stations like Isilon and Cicada would probably destroy the Axion before it even entered visual range.

Filion shook his head in frustration. Sometimes, he felt like it wouldn't be such a bad idea to just wipe the multiverse and start over. 

"Incoming warp signature." Jarik said suddenly. 

Filion glanced up. A red light was blinking furiously on the navigational console. 

A single starfighter hurtled out of warp, slamming into realspace at a sixty degree tilt.  

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