Chapter 9 Goodbye Father.

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Chapter 9

Goodbye Father.

Walking through the woods to get to my village, I’m reminded of when Father and I would come here for training practices. It was always fun, like a real life adventure.  I knew it wasn’t a game, and that the training was important, but I couldn’t help but enjoy it. I loved hunting rabbits; they were so fast! Mother made the best rabbit stew.

            But today the woods just remind me that I’m alone, and of the day my father was kidnapped.

            The day began like any other. Mother was making breakfast. I was reading in my room, and after breakfast Father and I were going to train. Reading and hunting were the only things I had to fill my day.

            Bang, bang, bang!

            Extremely loud gun shots filled the road outside my home, making me jump in surprise. I headed towards the hallway to a window that overlooked the main road. Terrified, I snuck a peek, hoping no one could see me.

            The soldiers were in my village! They stood in front of the garden gate with black scarves covering their faces. I could only see their eyes.

            Lifting their AK-47’s in the air, they fired another round in the sky. Bang Bang Bang! Time stood still as I watched them.  They turned to each other and laughed.

            There were more soldiers with the AK-47s slung casually over their shoulders, and a black flag in their hands waving in the summer breeze. The horizon changed, and it filled with rows of soldiers carrying their guns and flags. There was a sea of darkness heading to my home.

            “Jada, Jada,” Father yelled frantically as he ran up the stairs. But he wasn’t scared of anything!

            “What’s happening? Who are they?” I cried out. Mother and Lucas followed Father up the stairs.

            “Jada, it’s the rebels…they are going to take me.” Father pulled me into my parents’ bedroom by my arm. He lowered his head in shame.” I thought we’d be safe here. I’ve failed all of you, and for that I am sorry.”

            “It is not your fault. You have saved me, and I will always love you,” Mother said and hugged him.

            What did she mean, ‘you saved me’?

            “Father, we can fight. You don’t have to go with them!” I protested.

            “Jada, I know you and your mother are both strong, but we are outnumbered.”

            He was right. Tears rolled down my face; I couldn’t protect him, and if we ran they’d kill us.

            Bang, bang, bang!

            Lucas and I both jumped, hugging each other and crying. They were at our door. They’re going to take him. Each bang on the door ripped my heart into pieces.

            “Men, it is time to leave your families and join our fight. Come in peace and no one will be hurt. This is your only warning!” yells the soldier.

            Father placed his arms around us and hugged us. Then he kissed the tops of our heads.

            “I must go now. These men are not joking, Jada. Stay away from them… protect your little Lucas.” Father turns to my mother. “Protect them all for me. I will return. We will be reunited again.” He gave her a kiss as he left.        

            Tears streamed unchecked down my mother’s face, and before I even turned around, I heard the front door close.

            He was gone.

            Running back over to the window, I saw Father being handcuffed and blindfolded as the soldiers pushed him into the back of a truck.

            Remember every detail, Jada, remember everything… I told myself that day.

            Helplessly, I watched as the truck disappeared, taking my father with it. My eyes filled with tears.

             I will find you.

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