Chapter 6

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The morning after was painful. My eyes burned as I struggled to open them and my head was pounding like a bass drum. I saw a stream of code fash by as I searched for the strangeth to stand up. It was merely a list of things that were being registered and what they registered. Code like that flashes by in an instant, but due to my damaged state, it was slowed to about 2 seconds. It flashed and the bright blue and white were just increasing my headache.

It was second nature for me to reach for my head and squeeze as I let out a soft groan. The squeezing does nothing to subside the pain but does put it into perspective. After a minute or two I let my arms go limp and I stare at the ceiling. I was somewhat sprawled on the floor, my arm extended and my body in a natural position. The ceiling looked different.

Where am I?

"What did?.." I didn't get to finish my thought when Jeremy stepped into the frame. I focused on his face as the blue screens flashed, telling me what I already knew.

Location- Jeremy Heere's basement.

Touch sensor- active.

Current feeling-concrete

Sight sensor- active.

Current object- Jeremy Heere


Jeremy looked tired, his eyes dark, and his expression unpleasant, a mix of displeasure and drowsiness. I gave a neutral look. He simply gazed through me with tired eyes. It gave me a little jolt. I think I liked it.

"Yo quit staring and get up. Slowly though. We have Tylenol upstairs... wait would that work for you?" He asked. I gave a slight nod as I gathered the strength to stand up. I hadn't even been the one to ingest any cannabis. I was able to get into a sitting position before I asked, "How are you able to experience this type of recoil every time you and Michael meet up for video games."


"How the hell you deal with these hangovers so often." I looked up at Jeremy as I said this and he rolled his eyes. He lifted his shoulders slightly for a shrug and extended a hand to me. I stared for about 10 seconds. I knew the action's purpose but was skeptical nonetheless. My eyes locked on Jeremy for 3 of those ten seconds. I wasn't necessarily looking at him, more through him. I slowly placed my slightly smaller hand in his and within seconds I was on my feet. I was slightly disoriented by it. Though Jeremy found it amusing.

Once I got my footing Jeremy said, "Michael's already upstairs with my dad. Come up whenever you want." He turned on his heels and headed to the stairs. I followed behind.

Upstairs Michael was sitting on the couch, phone in hand, sitting next to a blond woman, about 40 years and her next to Evan whom I met the night before. She must be Heidi, Evan's mother, and Mr. Heere's current partner. She looked at me and gave me a friendly smile. I returned it. Jeremy handed me a small bottle of Tylenol as he walked past me to sit next to Michael. I took a couple of pills and sat on the floor next to the couch. If I were to sit on the couch it'd be too crowded and overwhelming. Ms. Heidi offered me her seat, but I declined. From what I've heard she's on her feet all day every day and the fact that she's off of work today is a rare occurrence. The people on the couch talked while I stayed quiet.

A moment letter Mr. Heere came in with a small collection of envelopes. He muttered quietly, "Bill, bill, spam..." He stared at the letter for a moment. "You got something, Jeremy." He handed Jeremy a letter from someone named-

"Felix Vizzini?" I questioned aloud. They looked at me with a confused look.

"You know this guy?" Jeremy asked, waving the letter. I took a breath in and began, "Felix Vizzini is the son of American author Ned Vizzini who committed suicide in 2013 due to persistent struggles with depression. He wrote several young adult fiction novels before he took his own life." I said it as if I was reading an article. I didn't notice how that unsettled the people in the room. Jeremy was hesitant to open the letter. He read through it silently, but his growingly shocked expression encourages curiosity.

"Micha called the gang, tell them to meet at pink berry."


Jeremy looked between the two of us as he said, "We were just given $350,000."

Sorry about this one being a lot shorter.

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