Shots Fired

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I Don't own the teen titans or any other characters mentioned

Ravens POV-
I was woken up at 3:00am by the crime alert, I sighed and dragged myself towards the common room I was greeted by all of the titans but beast boy who was slowly walking behind me.
"Slade" Robin growled as his name appeared on the screen.
"DUDE, doesn't he know what the time is, it's 3:00am. WHO CALLS AT 3:00AM."beast boy yelled almost as mad as robin.
Cyborg was working at a smaller computer system"Look the titans east tracked Slade here aswel!"cyborg stated

"Cyborg call them in and give them slades position me and the rest on the team will keep him busy."Robin ordered

"On it!" Cyborg grabbed his communicator and got to work

"Titans, Go!"robin called as we ran out of the tower
We reached an abandoned warehouse to see nothing but darkness.
"Starfire could you shed some light on the situation?"robin commanded.
Starfire charged a star bolt letting a small amount of green light fill the room.
We looked ahead to see nothing.
"Oh grate a dead end"I mumbled sarcastically
I heard a sound and I felt pain ripping through my skin as I fell to the cold stone floor and blacked out.

Starfires POV---
I heard the sound of the gunshot and turned to see friend raven on the floor letting out a cry of the pain
"Friend Raven!"I gasped
I went to friend raven who was already releasing much of the blood... I looked up to see slade standing on a stack of crates with what looks like the new apprentice.
No POV---
His apprentice was holding a revolver that was still smoking from releasing its shot.

 No POV---His apprentice was holding a revolver that was still smoking from releasing its shot

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both the apprentice and slade laughed at the titans anger.
Beast boys p0v--
I looked at raven......
I couldn't take it .. they hurt Her
They   ~~growls~~ will --snarls--PAY!!
I felt an awfully familiar pain as my bones shifted into there new places as the beast takes control...

Cyborgs POV--
I walk into the warehouse followed by titans east. I see my lil sis in stars arms as she seeping blood from her motionless body as beast boy attacks what looks like slade's new apprentice . Titans east run in and help beast boy and robin. starfire runs to me still holding raven
"Friend cyborg, friend raven is loosing the blood fast!"she said bursting into tears
"It will be ok star, we need to get her back to the tower I'll take her in the t-car"I take raven from the Alien girls arms as the crimson liquid covers my hands
" friend, I wish to help restore our friend to health now."she said rushing to the t-car
Robins POV---
Slade and I were locked in combat .
His apprentice was fighting beast boy
Slade surprised me with a round house kick I hit the wall on the other side of the warehouse he walked up to me drawing his bow staff when he was attacked bye bumblebee and speedy I returned to the fight and we had Slade cornered
speedy hit Slade in the chest with an arrow to reveal it was just another Slade bot
We turn to see the beast getting forced to the other side of the warehouse we're   Aqua lade and mas y menos already had been cornered by Slade bots
Slade's apprentice saw us charging towards him he threw a bomb on the ground and with that all of the Slade bots were destroyed leaving a thick layer of smoke. He grabbed what he was sent for and leaves under the cover of the smoke screen.

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