nature a storehouse of joy

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believed that nature is a storehouse of joy and pleasure.  It is an everflowing fountain of divine beauty.  It is a friend, a guide and a nurse to man.  It has a healing touch of its own.  A ruined body or a broken mind find a lot of comfort and consolation in the lap of nature.It provides a man with fresh energy and a new vigour.  It is a manifestation of the divine.
Nature is full of beauties and blessings for humanity.  The flowing rivulets, the sounding cataracts, the dancing winds, the smiling flowers and the lofty mountains are only some of these beauties.  Nature can fill our lives with real joy, goodness and happiness.  To a lover of nature, every object, of nature is as much living as any human being.

Beauties of nature are unlimited.  But unfortunately, the modern man is too much engrossed in worldly pursuits.  He is too busy to discover the beauties of nature.  He has not time to listen to the singing of the birds, to watch the clouds moving majestically across the sky or to play with the dancing daffodils.  He does not look at the starry heavens; he is dead to the beauty of a rainbow in the sky.  He has sold his heart away to Mammon the god of wealth. 
We must open our inward eyes and ears.  Then only can we enjoy the sublime sights and sounds of nature —  otherwise we shall be like a man who goes to the river Ganges with a bowl full of holes.  Only a simple heart can enjoy the beauty of nature.  These beauties please us not only at the moment of seeing but they continue to thrill us even afterwards.

Nature is not only a source of joy, it is also a source of joy, it is also a source of education.  The fruitful trees teach us to be humble; the mountains teach us to be firm; the flowers teach us to smile and blossom even when we are surrounded by the thorns of life.

In the journey of success nature also plays a great role. Because nature give us inner peace , natural happiness . That's why Allah makes Azan the most peace giving sound if we ever just listen Azan carefully it calms down our minds brings a smile on our face. If we want success we have to spend some time with nature. Trust the process of Allah and accept the planning of Him.

You will see the change in yourself , your routine , your sicknesses starts to heals up but the rule and reality is spend your life according to Allah's teaching.

Nature is the beautiful gift of Allah .

Nature is a source of joy to us because it reveals the oneness of life.  Nature is a manifestation of Allah.  Nature is permeated with the same soul that dwells in man. There is a kinship between man and nature.  Love of nature is, therefore, natural in man.  A man who does not love nature is heretic because he refuses to recognize Allah who is all powerful and all pervading.

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