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Jake turned his back and started to walk away from me...

While having such a serious tension Chad butted in...

"A-are you really Jane?"

His eyes full of  worry and hope...I guess he's really that happy to see me and from the looks of it he is the Chad that I know but...What's confusing me is...Why is he here? Why is he alive? What happened during these past three years?

As Jake continue to walk away...

I was like a girl being squashed by walls of confusion...

I'm confused, not because Chad is still alive even though I thought he is already dead, but because I’m confused on what I should do. If I should chase after Jake and apologize to him or shall I tell Chad of how much I missed him and ask him why he is here? As I continue to break on my own confusion the more I was being squashed. I don’t know what to do.

But I know I have to do something quick…


That was the sound of the door being closed. Jake’s out…This is bad. I won’t be able to catch up with him…

In a flash, I was able to decide on what to do…

“I’m sorry, Chad”

Chad’s P.O.V----------------------------------

I guess claiming her isn’t that easy after all…^//^

End of Chad’s P.O.V------------------------

I ran towards the door…I went out, leaving Chad all alone…

I’m sure he understands it…

I ran after Jake. I admit it, he’s fast. I even almost lost sight of him luckily, I catch up…

Since I was running with all my might, I lost my balance then tripped….

“Ouch!” I exclaimed

I raised my voice as I said ‘Ouch!’ hoping that he’d notice me and come to help but that’s impo-----------

My thoughts were cut-off when I saw him in front of me…

With his concerned look he said:

“Are you okay? Does it hurt? Can you stand up?”


I feel kind of guilty, I mean, didn’t know he’d actually fall for it and that he was this worried about me…

Anyway, going back to reality…I know this is my only chance so I grabbed his arm…

“What?! You tricked me?!”

His expression changed from concerned to a bit angry...

I bow my head and said…

“I’m sorry”

Finally I let go off my grip…

I don’t care whether he leaves me or not…

What matter is that I was able to tell him what I wanted to tell him…

I was about to stand up when I saw him still there on the same spot…I was a bit shocked, I thought he already left…

There was an awkward silence…But I break it by saying…

“Was my sorry not enough? Should I beg for it?”

“Huh?No!...In fact you didn’t do anything wrong…It was me, not you…I’m supposed to be the one saying sorry…..And I’m sorry and I mean it…I’m probably acting weird…I, myself, don’t know why…I might not know whatever happened between you and Chad but…One thing is for sure…I was worried about you…

I wanted to see his expression while saying this but his hair was covering my view…

I can feel the pressure on the atmosphere…

There was an awkward silence but it was interrupted when the school bell rang…

Our lunch is finally over…

Hearing the bell rang, Jake stood up and walked towards our classroom and I silently followed him…

As we went inside the classroom, I saw Chad talking with our other classmates, luckily, he understood me…

As the teacher discuss boring things…

As the ‘nerd’ I should be very attentive but I was actually spacing-out, still thinking what Jake told me a while ago…


What could Jake possibly mean by that? And Chad, Why are you here?


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