~"Have you been cheating on me?"

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David's Pov
I'm out with James, Jimmy and a couple of other friends for dinner because Simon had to work late again, "David do you ever actually see Simon?" James asked with a hint of jealousy "I do see him, of course I see him" I said "really because every time I go to your house or out with you he is never around" , I frowned realizing he was right "what if he isn't even just working but with someone else?" James asked "James stop it" Jimmy said annoyed "I'm just saying the man is notorious for doing that type of stuff" James said taking a sip of his wine, "Can we get the bill please?" I asked sadly "David don't listen to him" Jimmy said, I just nodded as the waiter brought the bill after paying for the bill we all walked to our cars, "Simon wouldn't do that to you, James is just jealous" Jimmy whispered as he hugged me goodbye "I don't know Jimmy" I whispered back, Jimmy frowned slightly as I pulled away from the hug and went to go hug James but instead of a hug he pulled my face to down to his and kissed me, I kissed him back before realizing what I was doing and pushed him away, I ran to my car and drove away before he could say anything to me. 'What if Simon really did cheat on me?', 'Did I just cheat on him?' I kept thinking to myself the whole drive home.
Simons Pov
I felt terrible for always working late so I came home earlier with some Maltese's because he has always said it was his favorite, I know he went out to eat with Jimmy and James so I went upstairs to shower and change, as soon as I finished getting ready I heard David's car, I quickly ran downstairs and sat on the couch with box of chocolates and waited for him to open the door. When he did I was surprised to see that he looked sad and worried "David, what's wrong?" I asked softly, standing up and walking towards David "Jesus Simon" David jumped clutching his chest "sorry" I said softly "I didn't think you would be home so earlier, sort of" David said calming down a little "yeah I felt guilty for always working late" I said softly scratching the back of my neck "oh I need to ask you something" David said frowning a little "okay" I said reluctantly when I saw the frown "Have you been cheating on me?" David asked looking into my eyes to make sure I don't lie to him "I have never cheated on you and I never will do that to you" I said shocked "I swear on my life I've never cheated on you" I said when I saw he didn't really believe me, David nodded "what made you think I was cheating on you?" I asked "James pointed out to me that your always at work and he never sees you and that you were known to be a cheat" David said bitting his lip "I just don't like James that's why I'm never around when he is" I said quietly "you don't? Why didn't you tell me before?" David asked shocked "well he has been your friend for a lot longer than I've even known you so I thought if I said anything bad about him you would've gotten mad at me and would've have broken up with me" I said looking at my shoes "I wouldn't leave for that I love you too much" David said putting his hand on my shoulder "Now why don't you like James?" He asked "the one time I met him he kept bringing up the fact that he kissed you while he glared at me and he was basically on top of you the whole time" I said trying to avoid looking into David's eyes "That reminds me" David frowned again "Reminds you of what?" I asked worriedly "he might have kissed me earlier." David whispered "did you kiss him back?" I asked trying to hide my anger "I did but i didn't realize it and when i did I pushed him away and came home. I'm sorry Simon" David said tearfully "it's fine, you didn't know but I am going to beat James up" I said angrily "Simon please don't you can get hurt and you could get arrested" David whispered crying "Fine but if I do see him he is dead" I sighed wiping David's tears and then pulling him into a hug "you promise you aren't upset with me?" David sniffled hugging me back tightly "a little hurt but im not mad at you" I whispered "why don't we go to bed and some maltessers?" I offered softly "but we don't have any" David said softly "I got you some on my way back from work" I smiled "then let's go" David smiled pulling away from the hug and grabbing my arm, I quickly grabbed the chocolates before David dragged me upstairs.
David's pov
I woke up with my head still on Simons chest with his arms around me, I smiled and started to plant soft kisses all over his chest "David, that tickles" Simon giggled "sorry" I laughed lifting my head so I could see his face, Simon smiled widely at me before leaning forward and kissing me quickly "Can you stay home today?" I asked moving to sit on his lap "I can" Simon smiled taking my pillow and putting it on top of his before he put his hands on my hips "good, Why don't you go shower while I make us some breakfast?" David asked softly "Okay" Simon smiled while I got off him he could go shower, I watched Simon go into the bathroom before I walked downstairs and got breakfast started after a couple of minutes I felt Simon wrap his arms around me "how was your shower?" I asked softly "it was good" Simon said "we are out of tea and coffee can you please go buy some?" I asked "Okay love I'll be back now then" Simon said "Thank you" I smiled as I turned around and kissed him.
20 minutes later
I heard a knock at the door and thought that Simon just forgot his keys so I ran to the door and opened it but instantly regretted it when I saw James standing there "What do you want James?" I asked after a minute of awkward silence "I came to apologize for kissing you last night" James said "oh it's fine but you should probably avoid Simon as much as you can" I said "where is Simon?" James asked "He went out" I said before I saw Simon get out of his car and walk towards us with a shopping bag in his hand "so he went right back to his mistress" James said before I could stop him and warn him about Simon being behind him "James- wait David, you don't need Simon found out about the kiss and then went out, no boyfriend who isn't cheating does that-James- No David let me finish -you might want to-David wait please I can treat you better than he can hell a cockroach can" James said while I tried stopping him "you better start running before I kill you" Simon whispered angrily into his ear while he put his hand on James shoulder "S-Simon" James stuttered turning around and facing Simon, Simon clenched his fist and jaw before I put my hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him down so he wouldn't beat the living shit out of James "You are just all talk no game Simon" James said shoving Simon hard after he saw Simon had calmed down a little bit, before I could even react I saw Simon punch James in the face "you better disappear James before I make you" Simon said menacingly as James clutched his nose in pain "S-sorry Simon" James stuttered running away, I turned and looked to Simon shocked only to see him shaking his hand in pain as soon as James had disappeared "you okay?" I asked softly taking his hand "he was right I never hit anyone I just threaten to do it" Simon said "it was pretty sexy though" I smiled "maybe I should get into fights more often huh?" Simon joked "maybe you should" I joked back taking his hand and looking at it "but you should learn to punch properly first" I said before pulling him into the house to put some ice on it.
Happy New Years people hope you have a good year✌🏻
This hasn't been edited so I'm sorry if there's a lot of mistakes

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