Lawyer (2)

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Y/n pov

Three months later

I sigh in satisfaction as I got done with the baby's room and look over my work in a total.

My best friend just left to go get me food and I'm stuck doing the room myself.

I hear a knock on the door and I immediately get excited at the thought of my food.

I lightly jog over to the stairs and make my way down the staircase.

I open the door and I see my best friend Mike with my food.

"Bitch I got tea" He said pushing me out the way and coming in the house.

"What now Mike" I say smiling a bit while closing the door and locking it then walking over to the couch and sitting in front of my food.

"First of all, who the fuck is Jahseh" He says smacking his lips and looking over at me.

"Oh....That's just my babydaddy" I say shrugging and taking a bite out of my food.

"Bitch you pregnant!?" He asks sitting up in the chair.

"I didn't make that room upstairs for no reason" I say turning on the tv.

"I thought you was adopting a baby ian know you was pregnant" He says with his eyes bulging out of his head.

"You don't even look pregnant" He says looking at my stomach.

"I'm three months pregnant" I say calmly while setting my food down.

"Well damn bitch ! I guess we just keeping secrets from Mike I guess" He says making me chuckle.

"But anyways come to find out he know my cousin that I'm real close with and she said that he was coming to see you" He said making me start to choke on my food.

"Bitch stop lieng to me he don't get out" I say trailing off.

Damn he did say he was staying with me when he got out.

This shit is crazy

Ian seen this man since the case five months ago.

It's been a pleasure getting tapped everyday for two months.

That's crazy.

Well at least m-

"Y/n !" Mike voice booms in my ear making me come from my trance.

I look up and over at Mike and he's looking at me like I'm stupid.

"Bitch he here and he knocking" Mike yells at me making my eyes enlarge.

I hear a knock and I look over at the door.

"Man damn I'll get it. You over here looking like them white people in movies" He says rolling his eyes and getting up.

I get up and go to my room.

As soon as I get to the top of the stairs he opens the door.

I then hear his voice making my heart jump.

You know that feeling you get when you around your crush or when you know they're around.

I go in my room and I get in my bed.

I grab my phone and I shot Mike a text.

Me: Can you put my food up or you can have it because I know you hungry

I lay down and I get under the covers.

I then hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

They then come in the direction of my room and the figure appears in my doorway.

I look up and I see Mike.

"Where he at ?" I ask.

"He downstairs. But can I eat this" He says holding my food.

"I said you can" I said sitting up and cracking my back before getting out the bed.

"Bitch don't do that you gone do something to my niece or nephew" He said connecting his eyebrows.

"I'm staying up here" He says walking in my room as I walked out.

"Don't mess my room up" I say before walking slowly down the stairs.

"Gotchu" He yells from my room.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and I see his hair from behind the couch as he turned to look at me.

He sees me and immediately begins smiling.

He gets up and he comes around the couch to me.

He scoops me up in a hug and spins me around.

"I missed you" his muffled voice says.

"I missed you too" I said as he sat me down.

"You getting chubby" He says pinching my cheeks.

I push him lightly and laugh before going to sit on the couch.

"So what's new" He says while sitting on the couch by me.

"You sure you ready" I say looking at him.

"Yea sure shoot" He said chuckling.

"I'm pregnant" I say looking down.

There's a long silence.

"You serious" He asks.

"Yes. I'm three months pregnant" I say looking up at him.

"Well....that's great" He says smiling.

I quietly let out a sigh of relief.

"You thought I was gonna be mad" He said scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around me.

I laid my head in his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he played with my afro and watched tv.

"I'm tired" He says.

"Me too. You wanna go to sleep" I asks lifting my head and looking at him.

He nods.

I get up bringing him with me and going upstairs.

"Mike I need my room" I say as I walked into my room.

"Ok. Can I stay here" He asks.

"You can take the guest room" I say.

He nods and leave out the room and Jahseh looks at me.

"Is he?" He asks quietly.

I nod.

I get in my bed and I get under the covers as Jahseh takes his shoes off and get in as well.

"Here" Mike says handing me my phone.

"Thanks boo" I say putting it on the charger.

"Yaw want this light out" He asks.

"You can turn it off" I say.

He turns the light off and closed the door leaving the room pitch black.

"It's dark as hell in here" Jahseh says in the silence.

"You got a problem" I asks.

"No. It's perfect." He says pulling me to his chest.

"Exactly. Now go to sleep" I say closing my eyes.

"Goodnight" He says.

"Goodnight" I say pecking his forehead and laying in his chest.

He pulls me ontop of him making both of us laugh.

I close my eyes letting sleep take over me.

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