Concert Love (Luke James)

725 9 7

Y/n pov

"Come on your gonna be late !" I hear my mom yelling at me from the bottom of the stairs.

I fix my heel and I walk down the stairs with my keys in my left hand while holding onto the railing with my right.

"Come on girl" My mom says pulling me out of the house.

"Ok bye Love you. The food will be ready by the time you get back"

"Ok thank you" I say closing my car door.

I pull off quickly while watching my mom wave at me as I drive off.

I sigh in satisfaction at the thought of me beating traffic.

My mom doesn't live that far from the arena so my drive isn't that long.

I struggle to find a parking spot and I start to get angry.

I then see a car drive past an empty spot and I swerve in laughing at them.

I grab my ticket out of my glove department and I get out.

I roll my eyes at the long line wrapping around the building.

"Damn" I curse while looking down at my ticket.

I see the letters 'VIP' and I dance on the inside.

I strut past the line and I kinda see a few people giving me dirty looks.

I flip my hair over my shoulder and continue walking.

I grow near the door and I see a bunch of security guards blocking people.

I guess that's Luke entering.

I stand and wait behind the security guards.

"Ma'am" I hear not to far from me.

I look in the direction the voice was coming from and I see a tall security guard looking at me.

He motions for me to come with him and I follow behind him into the arena.

"You Vip" he asks.

I nod my head and he points me to a small set of stairs.

"Go up those stairs and make a right ma'am" he said.

"Thank you" I say giving him a small smile.

"No problem. Enjoy" he said nodding at me.

I follow his directions and I see another security guard standing off to the side.

He motions for me to walk inside and I do so.

I look at and I see my friends standing closest to the stage.

"Hi ladies" I say smiling and walking over to the table.

I give all three of them a hug and stand by the stage.

"I have to go to the bathroom" I say shifting my leg to one side.

"Okay I'll watch your stuff" my friend Lia say's.

I nod and walk back to the opening.

"Excuse me. Which way is the bathroom" I ask the guard.

"Right through this hallway" He points.

I nod and enter the hallway.

I unlock my phone and I begin texting my mother back.

Ma❤️: you there ?

I laugh and text her back.

: I'm fine. I'm going to the bathroom.

I then feel my body slam into something and I stumble back.

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