Chapter Four: Final Assignments

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Chapter Four: Final Assignments

All any one of our teachers have been talking about in the last stretch of the year, is finals. Not only is this super annoying and daunting, but they've also been completely vague when someone asks them questions. Even when I went to ask Mr. Gale about it, he would not give me anything. Not even a single tiny detail. He wouldn't even tell his "favorite student" what she asked him for. My only hope is that it will be as quick and easy as possible. Grades here are the most important thing for staying a student, so I have to do everything and anything to graduate without hurting my family economically. Plus, life here is starting to become more normal as time goes on.

"Today you will be divided into teams for your missions according to how well you've done so far this year. Then the highest ranking team will get first choice from the list of missions. So I hope you've studied hard the past year or you'll be getting the reject missions."

I laugh as she bumbles and fumbles along starting her discussion of Inverses and Matrices. Fingering the warm, buzzy metal charm has become a consistent habit of mine over the past few months. When I first got it, every time I thought of my brother I'd end up with a massive bow chained to my wrist. I would disrupt class, smack people in the face, dislocate my shoulder as it hangs me off the ATM in P.E., and even punch me in the stomach in my sleep all because I couldn't and still can't completely control when it activates.

When I went to practice the other day, on my own, I couldn't get the thing to actually activate no matter how much effort I poured into it.

"I'm done teaching now, at the end of class, everyone please go to the gym. You may chat amongst yourselves."

A body lobs itself on my desk. I stare up at Alexi himself sitting on my desk with his legs dangling off towards the desk Asher leans against a desk to my left. These boys are going to drive me crazy.

"I'm so glad they transferred me into your guy's class," Alexi squirms in his seat with excitement.

"You've been saying that since day one when they switched you out with Tara," Asher says pressing the toe of his foot against Alexi's.

"Man was I glad when I saw you instead of her," I shake my head in remembrance of having to see her awful face sitting next to me in all the classes I attended.

Alexi seems to jump in his place, "Hey! What team do you think will get first pick?"

"Being that we are currently the only second year team, I don't know," I answer shifting in my seat.

"I bet it's not us. My grades have been awful," Alexi groans.

"What are they you lazy bum?" Asher taunts.

"Two A's and four B's."

"You consider that bad? That's a solid 4.33 GPA," I laugh picking up his hand and playing with his fingers.

"How do you figure that out? Tell me!" Alexi shouts.

The whole classes focus turns to us in an instance. I look around at all their surprised and confused faces before waving them off with a shy hand. They all slowly go back to what they were doing before, and I set my blazing eyes on Alexi who waits expectantly like a begging dog. He even has the same warm feeling flooding his green eyes.

I sigh, breaking to his adorableness, "You have six classes. A's are worth five points, B's are worth four, C's are worth three, and so on. When you add up your points and divide by the number of classes. It's that easy."

"So you're just taking the average?" Alexi stares down at me, squeezing my hand.

"Yes, that's why it's called 'Grade Point Average'."


Echoing through the hall, the bell rings sending me flying to my feet, grabbing Asher's wrist, and dragging them off to the gym. Inside, the tables have all been put away and only the people I've seen at the second year dining tables are present. I've never really looked at everyone at once before. Everyone here is so diverse. Mr. Gale probably recruits all over the world. The collection of cultures is actually kind of beautiful.

The man himself, Mr. Gale, walks out in front of us as a massive screen rolls down from the ceiling behind him.

"I hope all of you are excited because I sure am. Alright, now I will separate you all into groups of three. You will be in these groups for the remainder of your schooling here so it would be best to make the most of it. Now..."

I rest my head against Alexi's arm, close my eyes, and zone out everything else. Alexis shakes his shoulder shocking me back into reality.

"... see which team will receive first pick from the mission list." Mr. Gale pauses, "Asher Moare's group please make your way up."

Beside me Alexi gasps and mutters a "what in the world?" under his breath.

"Just start walking," Asher hisses as he pushes Alexi and I all the way up to the front where Mr. Gale watches us with one eyebrow raised.

"You three continue to surprise me."

"Thank you Sir," Alexi nods.

"No reason to thank me. I'm just as surprised with everyone else for not beating your combined GPA of 4.72, really? You couldn't get any closer to a 5.0?"

"Alexi!" Asher elbows Alexi making the crowd laugh.

"Anyways, you three may decide which mission you are to start next week," he hits a button on his remote and a list flashes, "You may choose any of the top ten. No easy missions for you three."

"Okay," I nod and turn to the bold letters projected across the screen.


Dragon's Breath

Faerie Sand

Abe no Seime's Ring

Siren's Song

Viking Heart

Gossen Egg

Lute of Moses

Book of Thoth

Helm of Invisibility

"Why don't we take the Book of Thoth. Egyptian mythology could be fun." I suggest gauging their responses.

"What about Siren's Song?" Asher muses, "I think we already know how to deal with them from last year."

"No, that would leave Layla with all the work again--that should really go to an all girl team. We have to take Excalibur! I must meet Merlin! I need to ask him about the staff," Alexi buts in nearly quaking from his own excitement.

"Alright," Asher shrugs looking down at me, "Let's be ambitious and go for number one."

Mr. Gale studies us, "It is you're decision. Are you going after Excalibur?"

We exchange passing glances before smiling widely at each other, "Yes!"

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