Chapter 1

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As the two girls stared at each other, their families hugged and said hello. Dalia and Jackie simply stared at each other. They hadn't seen each other in years. They almost weren't ready to.

Dark cleared his throat as he put an arm around her softly, almost comfortingly. Anti slid his arm around Jackie and smiled, his fangs gleaming in the light of their house.

"Everybody, somebody came back to us who we haven't seen in a long while."Dark said, almost smiling. The Septiceyes turned and several of them gasped and smiled and ran to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Welcome back, Dali!"Jackaboy yelled happily. Dalia smiled as she hugged him back. Long ago, Jackaboy had been her first kiss. During her seventh birthday, she had been running in the backyard with the boy, who was the same age as her, when he pulled her behind a tree. He had said that he loved her, wished her happy birthday, and then kissed her.

"I'm glad to be back, Jackaboy. It's great to see you all again."Dalia smiled. Marvin and Shneep hugged her then, and then she turned to Chase Brody, who had simply been gaping at her.

"Y-You are actually here?"He mumbled. Dalia smiled and laughed as she pulled him into a hug. She vaguely heard a something behind her that sounded like a chuckle as he slowly hugged her back.

"It's great to see you again."Chase whispered in her ear. She smiled as she pulled away. She turned and met eyes with Jackie, who stood with her arms folded.

The room went silent and almost cold as the two girls, the two best friends, stared each other down. The Septiceyes and Ipliers moved backwards to stand away from them.

"Hello, Dalia. Nice to see you again."Jackie said calmly, running a hand through her short hair.

"Likewise."Dalia responded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. There was silence for several minutes, until Mark cleared his throat.

"Well, I bet we can all agree that it's time to eat something. Would you like to order a pizza or something?"He asked the others. Dalia turned and smiled at Mark before nodding.

"Pepperoni, please. Could I also have a Dr.Pepper?"The girl asked.

"Old enough to drink, and you choose a soda."Marvin chuckled. Dalia winked at him before grabbing her bags and walking down the hallway to her old room. She opened the door and smiled.

The walls were painted soft grey, and covered in old posters, photos, and drawings. A large bay window with a plush black cushion in it was on the east wall, facing where the sun would rise the next morning. A black wood bed was against a wall, covered in a faded red comforter. All of the furniture was black wood and covered in a thin layer of dust.

The carpet was thick and white, and she chuckled as she counted fifteen books, twelve notebooks, and thirty-two comic books littering it. In the closet, which was open, it was empty except for a box, of which she didn't know what. Her old favorite stuffed animal, a large white cat toy, sat in the corner.

She immediately went to the closet, putting in her shoes and clothing. She cleaned up the floor and put everything away, and changed her bed sheets and comforter. She looked up just as she was putting her journal and song writing book on her desk to the sound of the door opening. Like a deer caught in headlights, Chase Brody stopped in the doorway.

"What are you doing in here?"The girl asked, straightening up. She noted his bags and the way his eyes slid slightly lower before he looked back up at her.

"I was told I was to stay in here."He said. That wasn't true; He had simply said he was staying in her room before he knew she was coming back. Dalia raised an eyebrow.

"This is my room, you know. Can't, and shouldn't you, stay with one of the guys?"She asked. He immediately blushed and nodded.

"Right, I should have thought of that."He mumbled. She came over and lifted up his bags.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your room."She smiled sweetly. He nodded and followed her. The two created small talk as they walked towards the door.

"Hey, you never told me what his name was."Chase said as she opened the door for him. The boys all turned to look at them as she walked in and set his bags down by the last empty bed. She smiled up at him as he sat on his bed and smiled back. She walked to the door, nodding at her brothers.

Dalia stopped at the door and turned to him with a beautiful smile.

"Jay. Jay Park." She whispered. Chase's jaw dropped and Dalia winked. She missed the way he watched her hips sway as she walked out.

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