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Sun rays entered the dim room, sneaking through the ash curtain and bouncing off the alarm clock on the bedside table, like laser beams set on destroying their target in a playful form.

Ruby Grayson groaned as a sun ray hit her square on her forehead. She shifted her position, grabbing her coffee mug tightly and taking a generous sip. The hot liquid burned her throat a little, but she savored the feeling. It was either hot coffee or no coffee at all.

Standing, she dug her feet into her dark-gray carpet and closed her eyes, transporting into a world of her own. After spending a little more than ten minutes in self-induced serenity, she dropped the mug on her bedside table and walked to her closet, picking the second gown she saw and putting it on. She decided to wear flats and tied her tangled mass of black curls into a high bun. She was set for church.

"Catherine, you coming with me today?" She said as she passed her roommate in the kitchen.

"Next time," Catherine grumbled, holding a cup of coffee like her life depended on it. Her face looked rumpled and dull, but her gray eyes held its usual twinkle as she stared at Ruby.

"Okay," Ruby replied, "but please do not burn down the apartment." She looked pointedly at the frying pan on the gas cooker.

Catherine gave a dry chuckle. "I'll try not to."

Ruby grabbed her apartment keys, putting it in her purse before heading out. She added a little hop to her steps in order to get to the subway station on time. By the time she got outside her apartment building, people were already up and about. She wasn't surprised, after all this was NYC.

She reached the building just as they were rounding up the morning prayer and she quietly slipped into a seat at the back, willing the service to go by quickly so that she could do her school project. After the service was over, she walked out of the church building and exhaled, standing a little longer until the tightness in her chest had reduced. She didn't like being in a place with too many people for so long. It made her feel too congested and self conscious. But apparently, that was part of what she had to endure in order to worship God. It was worth it.

Walking down to the subway station, she browsed aimlessly through her phone. Anything to ease her boredom and ignore the bustling all around her, but after bumping into three people with muttered "Sorry", she decided to keep her phone aside and concentrate on where she was going, letting out a loud sigh when she finally reached the station.

Pushing a stray strand of curly hair away from her face, she entered the Cafe close to her apartment building.

"What would you like, miss?" The guy at the counter asked. He seemed new, because the other workers already knew her usual order.

"I need cookie dough ice cream with chocolate chips." She placed her order, paying for it and grabbing it before heading out with it. She scooped the ice cream into her mouth and gave a content sigh. The taste was just right, giving her a feeling of calmness under the warm weather. By the time she got to her apartment building, she felt a bit refreshed. She smiled. Ice cream always knew how to make her happy no matter what.


The smile was wiped right off her face as she heard her name. She turned to the direction of the voice and immediately regretted it. It was none other than her perky and cheery course mate.

"Ruby darling, I knew I would find you here!" The girl smiled walking closer to Ruby, her nasal voice clearer.

"Daisy! What are you doing here?" Ruby smiled at her too, pearly whites in view, hoping that it looked genuine.

"I came to ask you some questions about the project." Daisy kept smiling, " You gave me your address on Friday, remember?"

"Oh, I did!" Ruby's smile faltered, her brows creased a little but she quickly regained her self. "Come then, let's go to my apartment." She led the way, Daisy following closely and loudly behind.

"Nice place you got." Daisy complimented, getting comfy on the sofa in the living room.

"Thanks, let me get the materials for the project." She walked into her room and said a quick prayer, asking God to give her patience.

Daisy, it turned out, did not understand that her laugh was ear piercing, so she kept laughing and Ruby kept groaning internally, because as much as she was irritated she didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings. By the time they finished the project, it was already dusk. Daisy finally left, thanking her for her help.

Finally left alone, Ruby sat crisscrossed on her dark-gray furry carpet and devoured her food, her plain brown eyes taking in the unfinished painting on the wall close to her closet. She quickly finished the food, and set the plate and cup aside. Closing her eyes, she tried to find the complete picture of what she had been painting a few days ago, but couldn't. She added that to the growing list of things she needed to do. She stood up and stretched, walking into her bathroom to brush her mouth and rinse her face. She changed into her pj's and sat on the seat by her window.

She loved the view she got from her window at night. There was a certain calmness that usually lulled her to sleep, but it seemed that it wasn't working just then, so she sat there, her mind wandering into her recesses filled with blackness and gray clouds.

Ruby willed her week to be better than the last one. But who was she to hope? It never really got any better because she was not and she thought she would never be as significant as the stars she stared at every night.


Random fact; Potato has 80% water and 20% solid.

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Mackenzie the 2nd out 😍. . .

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