Chapter 1

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Richtofen's POV:
A sinister smile surfaced on my lips as the teleportation process finally stopped to reveal our new location.  What memories this brings back.  I couldn't help but scan everything in the lobby, starting with the quick revive machine and ending at the glorious swastika banners.  The stares from the others didn't bother me at all since I was used to it by now.  But why should it bother me in the first place?  They're mere test subjects.  The only stare that made me flustered came from Dempsey.  It was such a foreign feeling to me, but I forced it aside to decipher at a later date.

Nikolai went over to the bar first thing and found all the vodka stashed away there.  I rolled my eyes, but it was technically my fault he had to have vodka every second.  Takeo was the smartest and immediately started boarding up any windows that were open.  That left myself and Dempsey alone together.  The silence was mostly comfortable, but I desired to be alone before my burning cheeks betrayed me.

With the quickness of a panzer, I sped for the bottom entrance to the theatre and veered left.  The room I entered had a boarded up window directly to my left, another one on my right a ways, and an area for the mystery box with a gun drawing directly by it.  I took the stairs up on my left to a large hallway with many rooms.  Picking the farthest room, I quickly entered and shut my door, writing in my journal.

My musings of scientific weaponry such as the wunderwaffle — which was currently sitting near my door — were brought to a halt when my thoughts drifted back to the American soldier.  Why did he invade even my most intimate and deep thoughts of science?  It was infuriating!

I ripped my general's hat off my head to run fingers through my hair in frustration.  I punched the wall with my left fist in anger, leaving a hole in it.  "Ah!  Schiesse!" I yelled, not realizing that my room window was open.  Taking off my leather glove quickly, I studied the swollen and purpling knuckles.  Just what I need, a broken hand!  I did my best to wrap my knuckles, hissing in pain.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the American taking my wrist and gently pulling my hand to his eyes.  My eyes widened as a light blush covered my pale cheeks.  He was being so gentle, almost as if he were worried about hurting me, but his icy eyes were scolding as they gazed into my own hazel ones.

"You idiot!  Why did you punch the wall?" he growled.  I tch'd and looked away angrily in an attempt to hide the darkening blush.

"Ich don't need to explain mein self to jou," I replied.  From the corner of my eye, I could see Dempsey roll his eyes and smile softly.  Why was he smiling?  What did he know that I did not?

When he finally wrapped my hand, he seemed reluctant to let go of my wrist.  I pulled it away and turned back to my work.  It seemed he was about to speak once more when moans of the undead began to sound like a trumpet of doom.

A maniacal grin surfaced on my lips as I grabbed the wunderwaffle and strapped it to my left side.  On my right hip was my beautiful MP40.  I rushed past Dempsey, hearing his excited footsteps follow behind me.  We quickly got downstairs and separated ways as we fought.

As I fought, I felt Dempsey keep his gaze on me at times, looking away when I looked over.  I'm no fool, American.  After taking care of the zombies in front of me, one had managed to sneak up from behind and growled.  It left a deep gash on my back and I collapsed on my knees, coughing harshly.

A yell ripped out of Dempsey's throat as he ran over and slashed the head off of the zombie.  I could hardly move the pain was so great.  When Dempsey helped me up, I blushed lightly.

"Can't lose a man, we need you to fix the teleporter," he smirked.  I growled and pushed away, leaning on the wall.

He fell to the ground when I pushed away and growled.  "What the hell?  I was trying to help!" he yelled.  I looked away as I huffed.

"Ich don't need jour help!" I sneered and made my way back upstairs.  My wound bled profusely as I tried to stitch it myself, yet found it impossible.

With a sigh of irritation, I limped downstairs and found Dempsey laying on the stairs, his head bleeding lightly.  Without much thought, I began to wrap the wound, sighing softly.  "Ich am shorry," I whispered to keep from being heard.

After wrapping his wound, looking up revealed Nikolai standing in front of me.  Did he hear me apologize to Dempsey just now?  I hope not.  My ego can't take many more blows.

"You look pained, da?  What is wrong?" he inquired.  I remained seated and glared lightly.

"Nozhing," I sighed.

Nikolai did not believe me.  "You seem pained physically and emotionally."  I rubbed my temple with my right hand in irritation.

"Fine, Ich have a vound on mein back," I growled.  The Russian smirked in victory as he sat behind me, taking off my shirt and jacket before working to stitch my wound.  My gaze turned to Dempsey and I smiled softly, unknowingly.

"What about American?" he asked.

I blinked in surprise, snapping out of my not-so-innocent thoughts of the American.  A light blush dusted my cheeks.  I was grateful he was behind me so he didn't see it.


"Richtofen, it is obvious.  Just tell him how you feel when he wakes up," he urged as he finished stitching my wound.  My eyes widened further at the thought as I quickly shrugged on my shirt and jacket.

"Nein, nein, nein!  Ich don't love Dempshey!  He's annoying und an asshole!" I snarled before turning and going upstairs.  Nikolai gripped my good wrist to stop me.

"You are running from feelings."

I glared darkly at him, ripping my wrist from his grip.  "Feelings?  Hah!  Ich have no feelings," I replied icily before going to my room, closing and locking the door.  The bed was warm and inviting as I laid down on it.  Warm comforters, fluffy pillow.  It couldn't get much better.  That's when my thoughts returned to the American.

A sigh escaped my lips.  Was Nikolai right?  Am I running from my feelings, that is, if I have any?  My head says no and my heart says yes.  I let a few tears slip from my eyes as I fell into a deep slumber.

Can It Happen? (A RiDe love story) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now