Special Chapter TaNi

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Here's to make up for being late last week, the special Takeo X Nikolai chapter. Sorry though, it won't have a lemon.  It's early as a sorry for last week and a happy thanksgiving present. 😊 hope you all enjoy!
Takeo emerged from his room after a while, feeling refreshed. Meditation was always calming and allowed him to think. The floorboards creaked as he walked downstairs in the hopes of perhaps finding something to eat. While walking down, he cleared the debris off of each step, not wanting anyone to trip, especially if they were holding Joy.

By the time he reached the bottom, every step was cleaned off and a rather large pile of rubble was covering up the window to the right of the stairs. He journeyed into the lobby and smiled when seeing a small plate with some cheese and crackers resting on it. It would be a much welcomed change from the beans he usually ate that were in the storage closet.

Gingerly and with care, he picked up the plate that seemed it would break at any moment, taking a slice of cheese and popping it into his mouth. He savored the delectable flavor, humming in satisfaction.

Heavy steps were heard coming from the direction of the stage, heading for the lobby. At this sound, Takeo quickly put the plate down and rushed up the stairs, hardly making any sound.

He peered around the corner of the wall to see Nikolai come in and head towards the plate of food at the mini bar. "Ah, food goes much better with vodka," he sighed dreamily, making Takeo roll his eyes. He thinks anything is better with vodka, not much of a shocker there.

Nikolai finished the plate of food and bottle of vodka quickly, releasing a loud burp when he finished. Takeo gagged in disgust. He stood and pretended to be entering the lobby just now, nonchalantly walking down the steps. This drew the attention of the Russian.

"Takeo! Come join me in drinking vodka! I share just this once!" he exclaimed. Takeo wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"I wirr pass," Takeo said softly. Nikolai noticed the look of disdain on his face and frowned.

"Fuck you, Takeo!" he growled.

"Russian pig," Takeo rolled his eyes and began walking towards the room that would lead outside.

Hardly any time passed when Nikolai shoved Takeo against the lobby wall next to the stairs, eliciting a gasp from the smaller male. He lifted Takeo so he would have to wrap his legs around his waist before pressing a rough kiss to his lips.

Takeo was in shock and appalled, yet a small part of him was wanting, even needing this attention from the Russian. He hesitantly kissed back, a dark blush covering his entire face.

Nikolai smirked when seeing this before closing his eyes, pressing his hips against Takeo's. The Japanese man pulled away from his lips to let out a soft moan, freezing in place.

"I heard that~" he whispered, making a shiver travel down Takeo's spine. Nikolai pulled away from the wall, keeping Takeo in his arms and kissing him again as he stumbled up the stairs to his room.

Takeo was still hesitant to kiss back, fighting his beliefs and his desires. This was not something his family would smile upon, they would loathe him for this. But he was beginning to not care as he felt the feeling he had held for Nikolai for so long beginning to overwhelm him.

Nikolai places Takeo onto the bed and broke the kiss, panting as he slowly took off the smaller male's shirt. Takeo felt his breath hitch in fear and worry.

"It's okay, Takeo," he whispered, gently biting his neck when pulling off his shirt. "Nikolai won't hurt you."


Takeo groaned as he woke up, wincing in pain and held his neck. He felt along all of the love bites before looking down to see his bare chest littered with the same marks. It had really happened then.

A few soft snores caught his attention, turning his gaze to see Nikolai asleep next to him. Takeo blushed a dark crimson as he remembered last night, not realizing Nikolai had woken up.

"Morning, cherry blossom," he whispered. Takeo jumped in surprise and shyly looked away.

"M-morning," he stuttered. Nikolai chuckled and pulled the Japanese man close.

"Takeo enjoyed last night, Da?" he smirked, seeing Takeo give a shy nod.


Nikolai smiled as he held Takeo close to him, kissing his forehead.  "Nikolai loves you," he whispered.  Takeo shivered.

"I r-rove you too, koibito," he shyly smiled, making Nikolai raise a brow.  "It means sweetheart."

Nikolai pressed one final kiss to Takeo's forehead before helping him get ready when hearing Dempsey and Richtofen downstairs, knowing their time laying together was cut short.  The two of them sounded like they were talking about Richtofen hearing the voices again.

"We can continue again later," Nikolai smirked, making Takeo's blush darken and he nodded.

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